- Make sure that you are registered to vote.
You can check the register to see if you are currently registered or find out how to register.
- Once you are eligible and registered to vote you should receive a polling card in advance of any election or referendum.
Your polling card provides you with your unique elector number and tells you where and when you can vote. Should your polling card fail to arrive you can still vote. You can confirm your details by visiting www.checktheregister.ie
It is not necessary for you to bring the card with you when you vote. You are required to have proof of identity regardless of whether you have your polling card with you or not.
- If you are not sure of your polling station find out where you can vote
- Make sure that you bring a valid form of personal identification with you when you go to vote (i.e. passport or drivers licence).
- When you arrive at your polling station you will be given a ballot paper. As voting is by secret ballot you will take the ballot paper to a privacy booth in order to mark your preferences. Instructions are provided on the ballot paper.
- Once you have marked your preferences, fold the paper to conceal your vote.
- Show the back of the paper to the presiding officer and put it in the ballot box.
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