Polling Cards

If you are registered to vote, a polling card should be posted to you approximately 2 weeks before Polling Day and tells you when and where to vote. What to do if you didn't receive or have lost your polling card.

The Polling Card simply tells you when and where to vote. You do not need it to vote.

I did not receive or can’t find my polling card

If you did not receive or can’t locate your polling card, you can check where and when you will be voting at www.checktheregister.ie, by referring to our map of polling locations or by contacting us at registerofelectors@meathcoco.ie

One of the following forms of personal ID must be presented when you go to vote regardless of whether you have a Polling Card or not:

  •  (i) passport;
  • (ii) a driving licence;
  • (iii) an employee identity card containing a photograph;
  • (iv) a student identity card issued by an educational institution and containing a photograph;
  • (v) a travel document containing name and photograph; 
  • (vi) a Bank or Savings or Credit Union book containing address in constituency or electoral area;
  • (vii) a Temporary Residence Certificate card,
  • (viii) a Garda National Immigration Bureau card;
  • (ix) a cheque book;
  • (x) a cheque card;
  • (xi) a credit card;
  • (xii) a birth certificate;
  • (xiii) a marriage certificate.

Items (ix) to (xiii) must be accompanied by proof of address.