Meath Age Friendly Strategy

Working to improve the quality of life of older people in Meath

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This is the 3rd Meath Age Friendly Strategy 2023-2028 that has been prepared by the Meath Age Friendly Alliance in consultation and co-operation with older people in Meath.

The Age Friendly Alliance will seek to ensure that this strategy achieves measurable outcomes for old people that demonstrates improvements in their quality of life.

It is clear that no one agency can improve these outcomes, that progress requires various agencies to continue to work collaboratively to improve the lives of older people.

Outcomes for older persons in this context will mean that older persons:


  • Are valued and have opportunities to enhance the communities they live in.
  • Have opportunities for civic, social, and economic participation.
  • Are supported to stay living in their own homes and connected to their communities.
  • Can lead healthier, longer, and active lives.
  • Live in places where the social and physical environments are safe when out.
  • Can get to where they want to go when they want to.
  • Feel and are safe in their own homes and their communities.
  • Have the required information and communications to support them.

"Design for the young and you exclude the old; design for the old and you include the everybody”.