Age Friendly Towns

Age friendly towns in Meath

Trim – Meath’s First Age Friendly Town

The Alliance nominated Trim to be an Age Friendly Town in 2013 with a steering committee set up comprising of various agencies.

Age Friendly Ireland facilitated the process by supplying a planner to collate data, consult with older persons and agencies and carry out a walk ability audit of the town with wheelchair users, volunteers and carers.

An action plan was drafted in line with the data collaged from audit with the committee progressing with the actions outlined in the plan.

Kells – Age Friendly Business Recognition Scheme

The Alliance nominated Kells to be an Age Friendly Business Town in 2013.

The Economic section of the Council along with Kells Chamber of Commerce progressed this initiative. 138 businesses were advised of the scheme with 33 businesses now signed up.

A Kells Age Friendly Business Directory has also been compiled and distributed which identifies the businesses that are signed up and what they have to offer to the Older Person.

This scheme has been nominated in the 2015 Chambers Ireland promoting Economic Development awards in the category of excellence in Local Government.