Meath and Louth Joint Migrant Integration Strategy 2019-2023

Meath and Louth Joint Migrant Integration Strategy 2019-2023

Counties Meath and Louth - New Joint Migrant Integration Strategy 2019-2023 

Meath County Council and Louth County Council have developed a joint Migrant Integration Strategy for 2019-2023.

The population of Counties Meath and Louth have become more diverse over the last number of years.  It is timely for both counties to focus on integration and inclusion of new communities and to consider what is needed to enable the areas to enjoy the benefits of diversity.

Effective integration requires on-going engagement by migrants, public services, businesses and communities. Communities play a crucial role in making those living within them feel at home.

Migrant Integration is a dynamic, multi-faceted and long-term process aimed at mutual accommodation and acceptance of the migrant and host populations.  The new Joint Strategy aims to build on the National Migrant Integration Strategy 2017-2020 whose vision is that migrants and those of migrant origin are facilitated to play a full role in Irish society (in communities, workplaces and politics), that integration is a core principle of Irish life and that Irish society and institutions work together to promote integration.

The Joint Meath & Louth Strategy foresees actions centered on five broad thematic headings:

  • Employment and economic activity;
  • Education and training;
  • Active civic and civil participation;
  • Social inclusion - engaging and interacting with service providers and
  • Social inclusion - expressing culture and identity; addressing discrimination and racism.
Meath and Louth Joint Migrant Integration Strategy 2019-2022