Garda Juvenile Diversion Programme

The Diversion Programme offers young people who accept responsibility for their offending behaviour the opportunity of a caution instead of going to Court. The caution is administered by a Juvenile Liaison Officer (JLO) and a period of supervision may be included.

In addition, where other needs are identified, the young person will be referred to a Youth Diversion Project (if one is available in their area), other clubs or projects in their community. Where the young person is out of school, arrangements can be made to link them into Youth Reach or other support services that will assist the young person and/or his or her family.

The aim being that the young person gets appropriate support and he or she does not continue to get involved in offending behaviour.  The intended outcome of the Programme is to divert young people from committing further offences.

Contact your local Garda Station for details of the Juvenile Liaison Officer.