Community Recognition Fund

On 15th March, 2024, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys and Minister of State Joe O’Brien, announced details of a €50 million Community Recognition Fund.  The allocation for Co. Meath is €1,188,066. 


The Community Recognition Fund 2024 aims to support the development of community infrastructure and facilities for the entire community in recognition of the contribution being made by communities across the country in welcoming and hosting significant numbers of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries.  

The scheme details set out that only areas which have high levels of new arrivals will be deemed eligible for this scheme.  In Meath, areas with the highest numbers of Ukrainians are Stamullen, Bettystown, Duleek, Ashbourne, Oldcastle, Athboy, Donore, Gormanstown and Kells.

Meath County Council is seeking expressions of interest for project proposals from community groups in the areas listed above or areas where there are large numbers of citizens from other countries living.  Projects to be funded will be capital in nature, deliver medium to long term benefits for the communities in which they are located, and be capable of being delivered over the course of 2025 to 2026.

The possible types of projects that can be funded under the scheme include:

  • Development, enhancement or refurbishment of community or cultural facilities including play areas, walkways, parks, community/sensory gardens, allotments, and recreational areas;
  • Development, enhancement or refurbishment of local club and sports facilitiesincluding facilities such as community swimming pools, changing rooms, toilets, digital aids such as score / information boards etc.;
  • Enhancement to school/parish facilities which are open to use by all of the community after school hours;
  • Purchase of equipment for local clubs, festivals, community events and organisations e.g. music, arts or sports equipment;
  • Transport infrastructure such as the purchase of community vehicles, bus sheltersand attendant information boards; (any vehicle funded must be in good condition and not more than 5 years old);
  • Projects that help address dereliction and/or wider local economic and community development objectives;
  • Purchase and refurbishment of vacant or derelict buildings for community use where a clear need is identified.
  • Purchase of land and associated works for the development of community facilities such as play areas/ MUGAs or town parks/ community gardens, recreational areas etc. (purchases must only be administered by the local authority).

Application Window 1 is now closed.

Please note the Community Recognition Fund is oversubscribed and Meath County Council is not seeking further expressions of interest currently. 

Any updates will be included here and will be advertised on our social media channels. 

For more details on the Department of Rural & Community Developments Community Recognition Fund click here