Other Arts Training and Supports

List of organisations providing support for the arts

National Arts Agencies

www.artscouncil.ie  - An independent autonomous body set up to stimulate public interest in and promote the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts.

www.businesstoarts.ie  - Support organisation for business sponsorship of the arts in Ireland.

www.create-ireland.ie  - CREATE is a leading national arts support organisation, providing services for arts development and practice in Ireland. Services - focused on standards of practice and sustainable development - are aimed at arts practitioners, arts organisations and arts projects irrespective of their area of practice or programme.

www.ncfa.ie  - The National Campaign for the Arts is a volunteer-led, grass roots movement that makes the case for the arts in Ireland.

www.artscouncil-ni.org - The Funding and Development Agency for The Arts in Northern Ireland.

https://www.chg.gov.ie/  - The Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht.

Visual Arts

www.visualartists.ie  - Reference organisation for those interested or involved in visual arts nationally and internationally.

www.nationalsculpturefactory.com - National resource agency for sculpture in Cork.

www.imma.ie - Irish Museum of Modern Art.

www.irishartsreview.com - Irish Arts Magazine.

www.dnote.website  - Dnote sends out weekly mailshots showcasing the best of the visual arts in Ireland.

www.nival.ie  - National Irish Visual Arts Library – NIVAL is a public resource dedicated to the documentation of 20th and 21st century Irish Visual Art and Design.


www.irishtheatreinstitute.com  - ITI is a resource organisation that supports and acknowledges the achievements and ambition of Irish theatre artists and companies across all aspects of theatre practice.

www.dli.ie  - Amateur Drama League of Ireland.

www.stewartparkertrust.com  - Set up in honour of the late Belfast playwright, Stewart Parker (1941-1988), this Trust seeks to encourage new writers for theatre in Ireland, North and South.

www.theatreforum.ie  - Theatre Forum is the representative association for theatre and the performing arts in Ireland.


www.cmc.ie  - The Contemporary Music Centre (CMC) is Ireland's archive and resource centre for new music, supporting the work of composers throughout the Republic and Northern Ireland.

www.itma.ie  - Irish traditional music archive - an archive and resource centre for traditional music, song and dance.

www.comhaltas.ie  - Organisation with countrywide branches which support and promote traditional Irish music, song, dance and language.

www.imro.ie  - Administers copyright in music on behalf of its members.

www.irma.ie – Irish Recorded Music Association operates to promote and protect the welfare and interests of the Irish record industry.

www.musicnetwork.ie  - National music development organisation.

www.firstmusiccontact.com  - FMC is a free information & advice resource for musicians & the independent music sector in Ireland.

www.musicgeneration.ie  - Music Generation is Ireland’s National Music Education Programme that transforms the lives of children and young people through access to high quality performance music education in their locality.


www.poetryireland.ie  - Support agency and publisher for professional poetry in Ireland.

www.writerscentre.ie  - Irish Writers Centre. 

Film & Video

www.irishfilmboard.ie - Semi-state body with responsibility for the support and development of the film industry in Ireland.

www.filmbase.ie - Provides training, equipments facilities, short film awards, publication of film Ireland and community outreach services for film and video.

www.ifi.ie  - Film Institute of Ireland, located in Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

www.screentrainingireland.ie - Screen Training Ireland part of Bord Scannán na hÉireann/the Irish Film Board is the national training and development resource specifically created for Ireland’s film and television industry.


www.dccoi.ie  - The Design and Crafts Council of Ireland fosters the growth and commercial strength of the design and craft industry in Ireland, stimulating innovation and competitiveness.

Youth Arts

www.ark.ie  - Europe’s first custom designed arts centre for children.

www.nayd.ie  - National Association for Youth Drama – an umbrella organisation for youth drama and youth theatre in Ireland.

www.youtharts.ie  - NYCI's Youth Arts Programme is a partnership approach to promoting and developing youth arts in Ireland.

www.iayo.ie  - The Irish Association of Youth Orchestras is the all-Ireland resource organisation for youth orchestras in Ireland.