Taxonomy List


Architectural Conservation Areas

There are 23 Architectural Conservation Areas in County Meath. An area considered worthy of preservation and enhancement because of it's special architectural or historic interest.

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Are you concerned about Climate Change?

Do you want to learn how small changes you make can make a big difference in tackling climate change? Join Meath County Council at one of our six Climate Action Roadshows. Talk to energy suppliers, EV dealers, local producers, climate champions and our Climate Action Team. Prizes and giveaways at...
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Are You Hooked? Survey

Our mobile phones are within easy reach nearly all of the time.  But do you know how much time you actually spend on your phone?  Or how many times you pick it up each day?  Follow the instructions below to find out and then click on the link to fill in your results on our survey . 

Are You Hooked Survey


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Are you interested in climate action? Do you want to make a difference?

Meath County Council is pleased to announce the launch of their 'Meath Climate Academy' programme. This initiative, the first of its kind in the country, will see a series of climate action training workshops delivered to a number of stakeholders. The first free workshop ‘ Citizen Climate Leader Training’, will...
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