Commercial Rates Revaluation 2019

Details of the revaluation of the amount of commercial rates payable by businesses in Meath

Reval 2019 Proposed Valuation Certificate Stage

Proposed Valuation Certificates (PVC) were issued on 15th March 2019 and 29th March 2019 to ratepayers in the rating authority of Meath.  Any ratepayer who was dissatisfied with any of the particulars on their PVC can submit representations to the Valuation Office within 40 days from the date of issue of their certificate (both dates will be clearly printed on the PVC). The Valuation Office does not charge a fee for representations.  Please note that consideration of representations may require a visit to your property by a Valuation Office official.  More information about the representations process can be found on the Valuation Office website,

Please be aware that the Valuation (NAV) on the Proposed Valuation Certificate is NOT your rates liability.

Representations can be submitted online from the date of issue of the certificates.  If you do not have access to the internet, contact the Valuation Office on 01-8171033 or, once you have received your PVC, and we will arrange to forward a Representations Form to you by return.  Please note that the deadline for submission is the same for hardcopy submissions i.e no extensions will be permitted.

Representations must be made on the representations form specified under Section 5 of the Valuation Acts 2001-2015 or online.

Indicative Annual Rate of Valuation (ARV)

The amount of commercial rates payable in any year by a business is calculated by multiplying the valuation of the property, known as the Net Annual Value (NAV) by an Annual  Rate on Valuation (ARV).

The Proposed Valuation, provided by the Valuation Office, can be found on your Proposed Valuation Certificate.

The ARV is set by the Local Authority and current indications are that the ARV for 2020 could be  0.212. 

Therefore, in order to calculate your likely rates liability for 2020 you should multiply the Proposed Valuation by the ARV (as above)


Proposed Valuation €10,000

Indicative ARV: 0.212

Likely Rates for 2020: €10,000 x 0.212 = €2,120.00

National Revaluation Programme


The Valuation Office is the State property valuation agency responsible for the valuation of all commercial property for the purposes of the levying of commercial rates by local authorities.

Commercial rates are an annual charge on commercial property to pay for the general provision of services of local authorities. Commercial rates are payable on commercial, industrial and some other non-domestic properties. Local authorities calculate commercial rates liabilities on the basis of valuations provided to them by the Valuation Office.

The Valuation Office is now, as part of the ongoing national revaluation programme, commencing the revaluation of all rateable properties in your local authority area.

Following revaluation, the new valuations in your local authority will be based on rental values at the valuation date of 15th September 2017 and will be used as the basis for levying rates from 2020 onwards. The valuation of a property is multiplied by what is known as the “Annual Rate on Valuation” (ARV), see example on adjacent table, to give the amount of commercial rates payable per annum.

Signed Valuation Order

The Commissioner of Valuation has signed a Valuation Order for the Meath County Council area and the revaluation of all commercial and industrial properties for rates purposes in that local authority area has now commenced.

The revaluation will take account of rental values in your local authority area and will result in a more equitable distribution of commercial rates among ratepayers. The revaluation will not increase the total rates revenue raised by Meath County Council

A Valuation Manager will assess the value of your commercial property and set a valuation in line with rental values in your area at the valuation date of 15th September 2017, and you will receive an information pack in the post.

The new valuations will be published in 17th September 2019 and come into effect for rating purposes from 1st January 2020 onwards.

The Valuation Order for Meath County Council Rating Authority Area, has been signed by John O’Sullivan, Commissioner of Valuation on the 6th October, 2017.


Further information is available on the Valuation Office website

Revaluation Walk In Clinics

The Valuation Office held 'Walk In' Clinics in Meath following the issuing of Proposed Valuation Certificates.

Valuation Office staff were present in each location to answer queries relating to the Proposed Valuation Certificates for Reval 2019.  They explained the revaluation process and offered guidance on making representations.   

Monday, 25th March 2019 10.00am - 4.30pm 

Ashbourne Municipal District Office 

Navan Municipal District Office (Meath County Council Headquarters, Buvinda House)

Trim Municipal District Office

Tuesday, 26th March 2019 10.00am - 4.30pm

Navan Municipal District Office (Meath County Council Headquarters, Buvinda House)

Trim Municipal District Office

Kells Municipal District Office

Wednesday, 27th March 2019 10.00am - 4.30pm

Ashbourne Municipal District Office

Laytown Municipal District Office (Duleek Office)

Ratoath Municipal District Office (Dunshaughlin Office)

Friday, 29th March 2019 10.00am - 4.30pm

Navan Municipal District Office (Meath County Council Headquarters, Buvinda House)

Extra Date: Wednesday, 17th April 2019 10.30am - 4.30pm

Navan Municipal District Office (Meath County Council Headquarters, Buvinda  House)