Local Authorities are in a strong position to provide different supports for the retail and business sectors.
Through the creation of development plans, local authorities influence the development, design, look and feel of the county. However, for these plans to be successful, Meath County Council provide support measures and initiatives to encourage businesses to expand or indeed start up in our county.
Pre Planning Consultations
Pre-planning consultations give prospective businesses the opportunity to discuss their proposal with a Meath County Council Planner.
These meetings have many benefits, as they can help to streamline the planning application process by improving the quality of subsequent planning applications and raising awareness of relevant planning issues with applicants.
Please be advised that participating in a pre planning meeting does not bind Meath County Council to any subsequent decision. Each application is still expected to go through the formal planning application process.
As there are many different types and scales of development, the nature and scale of your proposal will determine the level of detail required by the council.
Our Economic Development Team co-ordinates with the planning department and would be happy to discuss your business proposal prior to arranging a pre planning consultation. You can contact us on economic@meathcoco.ie or 046 909 7065.
Further information on pre planning consultations with Meath County Council
IDA Ireland also offer a lot of investment supports.
County Meath Chamber
County Meath Chamber is an organisation for the promotion and development of economic and commercial activity in the county. They seek to support and empower a progressive, dynamic network of members who are confident to drive and champion County Meath as the number one place in Ireland to do business.
Members will have access to year round opportunities of networking and training for business as well as other supports such as export documentation, trade information, cross promotion and collaboration.
Further information and contact details for Meath Chamber