Locate Your Business in Meath

Meath - The place and space for your business to thrive


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Why choose Meath for your Business?

Meath has the economic ability to prosper as a successful, diverse and vibrant, social, civic, commercial and residential location.  It is recognised locally, nationally, and internationally as a highly attractive and distinctive place in which to live and do business. 

If you're interested in County Meath as a potential location for your business or for the expansion of your existing business, we would be happy to discuss your requirements and any options we may have open to you. 

Our Economic Development and Planning teams are ready to support you by helping to source the ideal location, steer you towards potential funding opportunities, provide guidance on sustainability, lean and digital supports, as well as providing focused pre-planning consultations prior to submitting a planning application.  Together we can make Meath your place and space to thrive.

Please contact our Team for further information.


Meath has unparalleled and unique competitive advantage within Ireland due to its geography, infrastructure & connectivity, workforce, beauty and location.




BROCHURE - Strategic Sites in Meath

Zoning Explained

E1 Strategic Employment Zones (High Technology Users)

Permissable Uses

Bio Technology Manufacturing, Call Centre, Childcare Facility, Convenience Outlet, Cafe, Leisure Facilities, Data Centre, Green/Clean Light Industries, Education (third level), High Technology Manufacturing, Information Communication Technologies, International and National Traded Services, Knowledge Based Economic Development, Offices 100 to 1000sqm, Offices >1,000sqm, Medical and related uses (includes hospital), Research and Development, Science & Technology Based Enterprise, Telecommunication Structures, Utilities, Public Parks.

Open for Consideration Uses

Conference/Event Centre, Education, Enterprise/Training Centre, Hotel/Aparthotel, Industry – Light, Transport Depot/Logistics, Warehousing.


E2 General Enterprise and Employment

Permissable Uses

Bring Banks, Builder’s Providers, Childcare Facility, Car Park (incl. Park and Ride), CHP/Waste to Energy Facilities, Domestic Fuel Depot, Energy Installation, Enterprise & Business Start Ups, Enterprise/Training Centre, Data Centres, Factory Shop, Furniture Showroom (only where product displayed is manufactured on site), Go Kart Track, Industry – General, Industry – Light, Heavy Vehicle park, Logistics, Mart/Co-Op, Motor Repair/Servicing, Plant & Tool Hire, Recycling Facility (Civic & Amenity), Science & Technology Based Enterprise, Telecommunication Structures, Transport Depot, Warehousing, Utilities.

Open for Consideration Uses

Abbatoir, Car Dismantler/Scrap Yard, Construction & Demolition Waste Recycling Facility, Garden Centre, Leisure Facilities, Motor Sales, Offices 100-1,000sqm (uses where the services are not principally for visiting members of the public), Service Station, Restaurant/Café, Veterinary Surgery, Waste Recycling/Transfer/Sorting Centre, Wholesale Warehousing/Cash and Carry.


E3 Warehousing and Distribution

Permissable Uses

Bring Banks, Childcare Facility, Car Park (incl Park and Ride), CHP/Waste to Energy Facilities, Data Centre, Distribution & Supply Chain Management, Domestic Fuel Depot, Energy Installation, Heavy Vehicle Park, Logistics, Plant Storage, Recycling Facility (Civic & Amenity), Telecommunications Storage Depot, Transport Depot, Warehousing, Water Services/Public Services, Wholesale Warehousing/Cash and Carry, Utilities.

Open for Consideration Uses

Enterprise & Business Start Ups, Enterprise/Training Centre, Garden Centre, Industry-Light, Petrol Station, Restaurant/Café, Waste Recycling/Transfer/Sorting Centre.


D1 Tourism

Permissable Uses

B&B/Guest House, Caravan Park, Children Play/Adventure Centre, Community Facility/Centre, Conference/Event Centre, Medical & Related Uses, Craft Centre/Craft Shop, Cultural Facility, Hotel/Motel/Hostel, Leisure/Recreation/Sports Facilities, Restaurant/Café, Water Services/Public Services.

Open for Consideration Uses

Amusement Arcade, Cinema, Convenience Outlet, Childcare Facility, Cultural Facility, Dance Hall/Night Club, Offices <100sqm, Public House, Shop, Niche type Commercial Supports, Telecommunication Structures, Bona Fide Ancillary Tourism Residential/Holiday Home.


WL White Lands

Permissable Uses

White Lands are located in Navan, South Drogheda, East Meath, Kilmessan, Enfield and Ratoath.  These are strategic lands and their designation is to allow for a long term, integrated approach to be taken for the expansion of an urban area.  It is not generally envisaged that development proposals will be brought forward during the life of this Development Plan for such lands.  No indication is therefore generally offered regarding the suitability or otherwise of individual uses on said lands. Should the Planning Authority be satisfied that a project proposed for lands with a white land designation would assist with the implementation of the Economic Strategy and education provision, these lands can be released for employment creating development during the plan period in accordance with the economic strategy.  White Lands should only be released where it would lead to significant employment creation, education provision or which cannot reasonably be accommodated on other employment zoned land.