East Meath Profile

Whatever your business...make it East Meath

east meath statistics

East Meath can provide the location, the people, the skills, the languages and the services that can offer you an excellent place for your business.

Talk to us today about moving your business to East Meath.

Testimonials | Available Properties | Languages and Skills | Lifestyle | Favourable Tax Regime

East Meath is the coastal part of Meath that stretches to the Irish Sea. The principal features of this area are the M1 motorway and the railway line which both connect Dublin to Belfast, the two largest conurbations in Ireland.

The administrative centre of this area is the town of Duleek and it also includes the picturesque villages of Donore, Julianstown, Gormanstown and Stamullen which adjoin the motorway.  Along the attractive sandy coastline lie the villages of Laytown and Bettystown.

This area has seen an expansion in its population which now stands at over 33,000 and growing. In addition, it has a significant population of nearly 1.5 million people within a catchment area of a 45 minute drive time.

East Meath is situated on one of the principal arterial motorways to Dublin the M1, which links to the M50, the Dublin Orbital Motorway at 21 minutes and at 27 minutes to Dublin Airport.


The Coca-Cola Company

“The Coca-Cola brand has been in Ireland for more than half a century and our long history here gives us continued confidence in the strength of the Irish workforce, the commitment of the Irish government and the know-how of Irish people to support our business.”

Vending Services

“The Move to City North at junction 7 off the M1 Motorway, has allowed us to centralize our administrative and warehouse function in one central location from which we can provide first class service to all our customers on the island of Ireland… We made this decision primarily as a result of the ease of access to the motorway network”

Available Properties

East Meath has four key business zones with two located in South Drogheda, with one at City North and the other in the town of Duleek.

These are:

  • IDA Business & Technology Park
  • Southgate Centre
  • City North Business Campus
  • Duleek Business Park
  • IDA Business & Technology Park
  • The IDA Business Park, South Drogheda is located at junction 9 on the M1 motorway.

It is a planned 64 acre landscaped site. This park has been designed to include advanced office facilities and advanced technology buildings of high standard to suit both manufacturing and internationally traded services sectors.

Make it East Meath

Languages & Skills

Multinational companies operate on a global basis and require staff with multilingual languages skills to support their operations. East Meath has a wide range of nationalities living locally and can offer more than 37 languages spoken as mother tongue within its catchment area. Please see the brochure below for details of these figures.


East Meath is a vibrant and fast growing part of the county which can offer great entertainment and leisure facilities for all the family.

Leisure and Entertainment

East Meath offers two beautiful beaches in Laytown and Bettystown and a range of things to do and see from festivals to historic sites. Bettystown, as a major seaside resort, offers a full range of attractions and things to do for a family day out.


There are a wide range of sports clubs throughout the area. Golf is well catered for with 3 clubs in the area; Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club, Bellewstown Golf Club and Julianstown Golf Club.

The Laytown Races is a unique event and every year it is home to the only official strand horse races in Europe.

Music, Festivals and Events

East Meath is host to a selection of large festival events, including the world famous open air rock concert at Slane Castle.


A variety of tourism facilities await you in East Meath, including one of the most famous sites, the battle of the Boyne site at Oldbridge House with the battlesite, parklands and the formal gardens. There are impressive megalithic tombs and passage graves at Newgrange, Dowth and Knowth.

East Meath is part of the Boyne Valley, an area of outstanding beauty and history with many famous and important historical locations.


East Meath has a wide variety of excellent housing choices to suit your lifestyle preferences. Whether you prefer the buzz of the town life or the quiet calm of a rural setting, East Meath has plenty of options for you from large detached family homes and semi detached houses to bungalows or apartments.

East Meath can offer you and your family a great lifestyle as well as a great location for your business.

Favourable Tax Regime - Corporate Tax Rate 12.5%

Ireland has one of the lowest Statutory Corporate Tax Rates in the world at 12.5%. Companies that choose Ireland as their European or International Database have been able to maximise the favourable tax regime to achieve a high rate of return on their investment 

Find out more about Ireland's Favourable Tax Regime.

East Meath Economic Opportunities Brochure