Increased Cost of Business Grant Scheme

The portal for the Increased Cost of Business Grant Scheme registrations is now closed.

As part of Budget 2024, the Government signed off on a package of €257m for the Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant as a vital measure for small and medium businesses

Department of Enterprise, Trade, Employment Logo

This Scheme is now closed

On 15 May, the Government made two announcements related to the ICOB scheme:

1. Re-opening of ICOB Scheme Registration: The ICOB scheme registration process will be re-opened from 15 May to 29 May. This extension allows businesses that did not register by the 1 May deadline time to register.

2. Second Grant Payment for Retail and Hospitality Sectors: Businesses operating in the Hospitality and the Retail sectors are now eligible for a second grant payment of the same amount as the initial grant. For businesses already registered in these sectors, there is no need to re-register to avail of the second grant payment. You will receive another email when your second grant payment is processed.

To implement this decision, the business category initially requested for statistical analysis will now identify those businesses in the Hospitality and the Retail sectors. If you believe your business has been incorrectly classified under the wrong business type, from Monday 20 May, please log in to your MyCoCo account and amend your self-declared Business Type.


As part of Budget 2024, the Government signed off on a package of €257m for the Increased Cost of Business (ICOB) Grant as a vital measure for small and medium businesses.

Meath County Council, funded through Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE), will manage the rollout of the grant to qualifying businesses in the county of Meath.

Eligible businesses will receive a once-off grant payment. The amount of the grant payable to eligible businesses is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill the business received in 2023. However, it is not a Commercial Rates waiver and businesses should continue to pay their Commercial Rates bill as normal.

What is the purpose of the grant?

The grant is available to qualifying businesses as a contribution towards the rising costs faced by businesses. The grant is intended to aid businesses but is not intended to directly compensate for all increases in wages, or other costs, for every business.

How much is the grant?

The grant is based on the value of the Commercial Rates bill received by an eligible business in 2023.

  • For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of <€10,000, the ICOB grant will be paid at a rate of 50% of the business’s Commercial Rate bill for 2023.
  • For qualifying businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rate bill of between €10,000 and €30,000, the ICOB grant will be €5,000.
  • Businesses with a 2023 Commercial Rates bill greater than €30,000 are not eligible to receive an ICOB grant.

What businesses are eligible to receive the grant?

The following are the main qualifying criteria:

  • Your business must be a commercially trading business currently operating from a property that is commercially rateable.
  • Your business must have been trading on 1st February 2024 and you must intend to continue trading for at least three months from the date you verify your information.
  • You must provide confirmation of your bank details.
  • Your business must be rates compliant. Businesses in performing payment plans may be deemed to be compliant.
  • Your business must be tax compliant and must possess a valid Tax Registration Number (TRN).

Please note that Meath County Council reserves the right to claw back any grant payment which is later found to be incorrect. This includes any circumstances such as error by the recipient business or the local authority making the payment, or where a business makes a false declaration of eligibility.

How soon can businesses avail of the grant?

An online system is being developed to manage the submission of essential information. Meath County Council will write shortly to businesses with further details, including how to register and how to submit information online. The system is expected to be available in mid-March.

What is the closing date?

The closing date for businesses to confirm eligibility and to upload verification details has been extended to the 29th May 2024..

Where can I find out further information?

Further correspondence and guidance will be issued to commercially rateable businesses in the next few weeks. In addition, an FAQ will be available online when the grant scheme opens. You should refer to this guidance and FAQ prior to making your submission.

If you have queries regarding your Commercial Rates account including outstanding balances, contact Meath County Council at (046 9097431/33 or 

Our team are happy to discuss any balances outstanding on your rates and what steps can be taken to ensure compliance with the scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions

ICOB Portal 

ICOB portal is available at

You will need your LAID number, this is the Rate Number on the top right hand side of your Rates Bill.

Faoi Bhuiséad 2024, cheadaigh an Rialtas pacáiste de €257m le Deontas i leith Méadú ar Chostais Ghnó (ICOB) a chistiú mar bheart ríthábhachtach le cabhair a thabhairt do ghnólachtaí beaga agus meánmhéide. Agus cistiú á fháil aici ón Roinn Fiontraíochta, Trádála agus Fostaíochta (RFTF), is í Comhairle Chontae na Mí a bhainisteoidh soláthar céimneach an deontais seo do ghnólachtaí a mbeidh ina theideal i gContae na Mí.

Íocfar an deontas seo in íocaíocht aonuaire le gnólachtaí incháilithe. Braitheann méid an deontais a íoctar le gnólachtaí incháilithe ar an méid a gearradh ar an ngnólacht sa bille Rátaí Tráchtála a fuair siad in 2023. É sin ráite, ní hionann é seo agus tarscaoileadh Rátaí Tráchtála a fháil agus ba cheart do ghnólachtaí leanúint dár mbille Rátaí Tráchtála a íoc mar is gnáth.

Cén aidhm atá leis an deontas seo?

Tá an deontas ar fáil do ghnólachtaí incháilithe mar ranníocaíocht le gnólachtaí atá thíos le costais atá ag dúl i méid. Tá sé i gceist leis an deontas cuidiú le gnólachtaí ach níltear i gceist leis gach gnólacht a chúiteamh as gach méadú atá tagtha ar a gcuid tuarastal, nó ar a gcuid costas eile.

Cá mhéad airgid a íoctar mar dheontas?

Ríomhtar an deontas de réir méid an Bhille Rátaí Tráchtála a fuair an gnólacht incháilithe in 2023.

- I gcás gnólachtaí cáilitheacha ar gearradh bille Ráta Tráchtála de <€10,000 orthu in 2023, íocfar an deontas ICOB leo ag ráta 50% de bhille Ráta Tráchtála an ghnólachta do 2023.

- I gcás gnólachtaí cáilitheacha ar gearradh bille Rátaí Tráchtála de idir €10,000 agus €30,000 orthu in 2023, is é €5,000 an deontas ICOB a gheobhaidh siad.

- Má gearradh Rátaí Tráchtála de níos mó ná €30,000 ar ghnólacht in 2023, níl siad i dteideal deontas ICOB a fháil.

Cad iad na gnólachtaí atá i dteideal deontas a fháil?

Is iad seo a leanas na príomhchritéir cháilitheacha:

  • Caithfidh do ghnólacht a bheith ag trádáil ar bhonn tráchtála agus é i mbun gnó faoi láthair ó ionad réadmhaoine atá inrátaithe ar bhonn tráchtála.
  • Caithfidh do ghnólacht a bheith i mbun trádála ar an 1ú lá de mhí Feabhra 2024 agus ní mór rún a bheith agat leanúint ar aghaidh i mbun trádála go ceann trí mhí ar a laghad ón dáta ar a ndearbhaíonn tú do chuid faisnéise.
  • Caithfidh tú deimhniú a thabhairt i leith do chuid sonraí cuntais bainc.
  • Caithfidh do ghnólacht a bheith comhlíontach maidir le rátaí a íoc. Seans go measfaí go bhfuil gnólacht comhlíontach fiú má tá plean íocaíochta á fheidhmiú acu.
  • Caithfidh do ghnólacht a bheith cáin-chomhlíontach agus Uimhir Chlárúcháin Chánach (TRN) bailí a bheith aige.

Tabhair faoi deara le do thoil go bhforchoimeádann Comhairle Chontae na Mí an ceart chun aon íocaíocht deontais a aisghlámadh más léir níos déanaí go raibh na cúiseanna ar ar tugadh í mícheart Áirítear leis seoaon chúinse ina ndearnadh earráid ar thaobh an ghnólachta a fuair í nó an t-údarás áitiúil a d’íoc í, nó más rud é go ndearna gnólacht dearbhú bréagach maidir le bheith incháilithe.

Cé chomh luath agus is féidir le gnólachtaí an deontas a fháil?

Tá córas ar líne á fhorbairt lena mbainisteofar an fhaisnéis bhunriachtanach a chuirfear isteach. Scríobhfaidh Comhairle Chontae na Mi go luath chuig gnólachtaí le breis eolais a thabhairt dóibh maidir leis seo, lena n-áirítear conas clárú lena haghaidh agus conas faisnéis a chur isteach ar líne. Meastar go mbeidh teacht ar an gcóras faoi lár mhí an Mhárta.

Cad é an dáta deiridh?

Is é an 1ú lá de mhí na Bealtaine 2024 an dátadeiridh faoinár féidir le gnólachtaí a n-incháilitheacht a dheimhniú agus a gcuid sonraí fíoraithe a uaslódáil.

Cá bhfaighidh mé breis eolais maidir leis seo?

Cuirfear comhfhreagras agus treoir sa bhreis maidir leis seo chuig gnólachtaí atá inrátaithe ar bhonn tráchtála sna seachtainí amach romhainn. Lena chois sin, beidh teacht ar CCanna ar líne nuair a chuirfear tús leis an scéim. Ba cheart súil a chaitheamh ar an treoir agus na CCanna seo roimh iarratas a chur isteach.

Má tá aon cheist agat maidir le do chuntas Rátaí Tráchtála, lena n-áirítear iarmhéideanna gan íoc, téigh i dteagmháil le Comhairle Chontae na Mí ag (046 9097431/33 nó trí ríomhpost chuig: Beidh ár mbaill foirne breá sásta aon iarmhéid gan íoc ar do rátaí a phlé chomh maith le comhairle a thabhairt duit maidir leis na chéad bhearta eile is féidir a dhéanamh le coinníollacha na scéime a chomhlíonadh.