Waste Electrical/ Electronic Equipment/ Batteries

Under the WEEE regulations retailers are obliged to:

  • Register with their local authority.
  • Provide free in-store take back of household WEEE & Batteries on a one-for-one basis on the sale of a new like product.
  • Ensure that any WEEE & Batteries collected is delivered to an approved collection facility.
  • Ensure that the storage and transport of WEEE & Batteries collected as above meets the requirements of the Regulations.
  • Ensure that private households are informed of the WEEE & Batteries take back facilities available to them and that they are encouraged to participate in the separate collections of WEEE & Batteries.

To register, please complete the form below and send it with a cheque / postal order for €20.00 to:

Environment Section
Meath County Council
Buvinda House
Dublin Road
County Meath