National Broadband Plan

A Government wide initiative to deliver high speed broadband services to all businesses and households in Ireland

The Department of Environment, Climate and  Communications  published the Broadband Plan (NBP) in August 2012. This is a Government wide initiative to deliver high speed broadband services to all businesses and households in Ireland This is being achieved through a combination of:

  • Commercial investment by the telecommunications sector and
  • A State Intervention in those areas where commercial providers acting alone will not provide this essential service

To enable you to find out how your premises will be connected to high speed internet the Government has created the High speed Broadband Map with Dark Blue, Light blue and Amber areas. These areas identify where commercial investment is taking place and where the intervention areas are located for future state supported connections. 

Commercial Investment

The NBP has acted as a catalyst to commercial investment by the telecommunications sector.

Between 2019 and 2024, the commercial telecommunications sector in Ireland  invested approximately €3.3bn. This was spent on upgrading and modernising networks which support the provision of high-speed broadband and mobile telecommunications services. 

Investment continues in the deployment of fibre in new and existing housing developments in urban and rural areas along with significant investments in densification of the 4G and 5G networks to facilitate mobile connectivity.

Intervention Strategy

National Broadband Ireland are completing the network to supply broadband to the one quarter of Irish people and premises which currently cannot access high-speed broadband through commercial services. It guarantees a level playing field for 1.1 million people, 537,596 premises including 100,000 businesses and farms, and over 679 schools, where commercial operators will not commit to deliver high speed broadband. 

€76 million will be invested in the non-commercial "The Intervention Area" in Meath which includes 20,543 premises who do not have access to High Speed Internet Access.

The Intervention Strategy has also supported the development of almost 300 Broadband Connection Points across the country. These facilities not only provide free outdoor public WiFi but also support the delivery of digital skills and other community development programmes.

Broadband Connection Points

There are 16 BCPs in Co. Meath offering a range of services to their communities supported by Meath County Council.

Broadband Connection Point Centres

Further information along with contact details, events and initiatives being delivered through the BCPs can be found on the My Connected Community Portal.