Local Authority Role

Meath County Council continues to work to ensure a smooth and speedy rollout of this important infrastructure project.


Local Authority Role

The majority of people in Co. Meath already have access to high speed broadband and more will be connected under the current rollout plans. The commercial sector has invested heavily in upgrading its networks in recent years especially in areas of high population density, but some rural dwellers are significantly limited in terms of the broadband service they can obtain. The National Broadband Plan will bridge the digital divide between rural and urban areas by subsidising the installation of fibre broadband in rural areas.

23% of Co. Meath premises are located in the intervention area and could not get High Speed Broadband. By the end of 2024, 52% of these premises could be connected to fibre broadband. This means that 10,687 homes, businesses, community facilities and farms could now access broadband speeds up to 2Gb on standard packages from NBI’s retail partners.


Meath County Council continues to work to ensure a smooth and speedy rollout of this important infrastructure project.

The Council has 3 principal responsibilities in the National Broadband Plan.

  1. The engagement and development of community-based facilities that allow those without broadband access to have locations that allow them to get online and avail of programmes to support skills and community development.
  2. The review and approval of roadwork plans being carried out by NBI to ensure that it is done in a safe and maintains the integrity of the road surface and ensures road safety for the public.
  3. Review and agree planning consent for the installation of new telegraph poles along the County’s roads to facilitate the roll out of the fibre network with due regard to road safety and maintaining the rich cultural and archaeological history of County Meath.

Separate to its role in the National Broadband Plan, the County Council has also developed its own Digital Strategy which will also drive increased access to high speed broadband in all areas of the county, while supporting the development of Digital Skills, Digital Businesses and improving the Digital Services for the public in Co. Meath.

Meath County Council is also working with community groups across the County, Meath Leader Partnership and Meath Enterprise on the development of remote working and access hubs. These hubs provide locations where communities can get access to high speed internet, avail of training and development opportunities, entertainment and other leisure events as well as remote work and study. More information on these sites can be found at the below websites