Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme

The Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme will be delivered in partnership between Fáilte Ireland and Local Authorities across the country. The Scheme will provide funding for individual tourism and hospitality businesses to develop and increase their own outdoor seating capacity. 

This scheme is now closed.  

This Scheme is designed to enable individual tourism and hospitality businesses to increase their dining and seating capacity in the short-term and secondly to enable a long-term strategy for local authorities to develop appropriate permanent weatherproofed outdoor dining infrastructure.

The aim is to support jobs and businesses and to transform appropriate outdoor spaces while providing much needed assistance to those who have been impacted most heavily by recent Covid 19 closures.

This funding announcement further strengthens this Government’s and Meath County Council's commitment to the development of our towns and business as outlined in the ‘Our Rural Future’ plan.

Any queries relating to the scheme can be emailed to economic@meathcoco.ie

Outdoor Dining Application Form and Guidance


Applications for the Outdoor Dining Furniture Scheme should be made via: https://submit.link/7O


If you are applying to place an Outdoor Dining area on a Public Footpath, a Section 254 Licence will be required - please complete the Outdoor Dining Application Form and Guidance - Section 254 Licence below and return to:

Transportation Section

Buvinda House,


Co Meath or Via email to transport@meathcoco.ie

The fee ordinarily associated with the licence has been waived for the purpose of this scheme.

On behalf of the Irish Wheelchair Association, we encourage all applicants to read and implement the Guidelines below.