Business News and Events

Business News and Events

Archive: 2016 & 2017

03 March 2017 - Local Enterprise Week 2017 is Nearly Here - Get your business involved >

21 February 2017 - Meath Local Enterprise Week 2017 (5th – 10th March) - Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Information Seminar >

25 January 2017 - Ireland's Best Young Entrepreneur Regional awards - Winners - Meath is delighted to have TWO regional finalists >

31 August 2016 - Boyne Valley Food Series - Boyne Valley shortlisted under Ireland's Top 10 Food Destinations for 2016 >

25 August 2016 - €1m funding available from Enterprise Ireland to international entrepreneurs and recent graduates - Two Competitive Start Fund competitions for start-ups open on Wednesday 24th August >

02 August 2016 - Driving Growth in Meath - Meath County Council and Meath Association of Chambers and Business Councils >

07 June 2016 - Thursday 9th June - 8pm - County Meath Association of Chambers and Business Councils invites you to a discussion on ‘Brexit’ taking place this Thursday 9th June at 8pm in the Headfort Arms Hotel in Kells, Co. Meath >

20 May 2016 - Encouraging Retailers To Set Up Shop in Meath - Meath County Council and its Local Enterprise Office have collaborated with Navan and Ashbourne Chamber of Commerce to attract retail investment to their respective towns. >

13 May 2016 - AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE YOUR BUSINESS THIS MONTH! - Innovation is the buzz word in the business world today. Government funders give priority to ‘innovative’ businesses in their support programmes. >

15 April 2016 - Council Welcomes Shire Jobs Announcement. - Meath County Council Chief Executive, Jackie Maguire, has warmly welcomed the announcement by Shire that it is to create 400 permanent jobs and over 700 construction jobs >

08 March 2016 - Meath Local Enterprise Office Promotional Video - This marketing video provides an understanding of how Meath LEO serves as a first stop shop in providing supports and services for those looking to start, grow and develop a business in Meath >

04 February 2016 - Local Enterprise Week - The first nationally co-ordinated 'Local Enterprise Week' takes place around the country from March 7th to 13th 2016. >