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Trim Porchfield and River Walk

This tranquil river walk commences at Trim Castle and finishes at the ruins of the 13th century town of Newtown, providing a glimpse of life in Trim in the Middle Ages.

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Trim Storytime

Every Monday at 10.30 am
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Trim to pilot localisation of Sustainable Development Goals

Meath County Council is delighted to announce that their recent application to URBACT ( a European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development) to localise the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) has been successful. This pilot project, ‘SDGs in cities’, will bring 19 towns and cities from across Europe together...
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Trim’s Air Pollution Workshop

Young people from across Meath were on hand for a workshop on Thursday, January 18, to measure, discuss, and learn about air pollution and its effects on health and wellbeing in Trim.
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