Temporary Road Closure - L-8014 at Derrinydaly Bridge in the townland of Derrinydaly

Temporary Road Closure - L-8014 at Derrinydaly Bridge in the townland of Derrinydaly


Notice is hereby given that Meath County Council has made an order to close the L-8014 at the townland of Derrinydaly.

This closure is required to facilitate emergency remedial works to Derrinydaly Bridge.


The closure will commence at 9.30am on Wednesday, 5th December 2018 and continue to 4.30pm on Friday, 14th December 2018.

Alternative Routes

Eastbound on the L-8014

Take the L-4021 southbound towards Monktown for a distance of 3.3km to its junction with the R156. At the junction with the R156, turn left and travel for a distance of 2.3km to its junction with the R161. At the junction with the R-161, turn left and continue for a distance of 3.3km and arrive on the east side of the bridge.

Westbound on the L-4010

Take the R-161 southbound for a distance of 3.3km to its junction with the R-156. At the junction with the R-156, turn right and travel for a distance of 2.3km to its junction with the L-4021. At the junction with the L-4021, turn right and travel for a distance of 3.3km and arrive on the west side of the bridge.

Diversion signs will be in place. Local Access will be facilitated.