Taxonomy List


Community Amenity Project Scheme

The Community Amenity Project Scheme is a grant scheme which provides financial assistance for capital projects such as the development of sporting, recreational, environmental, amenity, heritage and cultural facilities.


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Community Biodiversity Action Plans

Meath County Council, in partnership with the Heritage Council and local communities facilitated the preparation of a number of community biodiversity action plans for the towns /villages below:

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Community Enhancement Programme 2018 - Applications now invited

This Capital programme builds on and replaces the RAPID and Communities Facilities Schemes and provides funding to enhance facilities in disadvantaged communities. Applications should relate to one or more key priority areas identified in the LCDC Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) in order to be eligible for consideration.
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Community Enhancement Programme 2021

The Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) is a Capital Grant programme which provides funding to enhance community facilities and address disadvantage in County Meath. Meath Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is responsible for allocating funding to projects.  The total allocation for Meath for 2021 is €142,893.

The 2021 CEP scheme closed on Wednesday the 30th June 2021

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Community Environment Action Fund (previously Local Agenda 21)

PLEASE NOTE: This scheme has been suspended until 2023.

The Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund (LA21) which has operated since 1997, promotes sustainable development by assisting small-scale environmental projects at local level. The Scheme has been renamed the Community Environment Action Fund from 2019 onwards.

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