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Civic Reception - Meath Minors Football Team 2021

An Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Sean Drew and the members of Meath County Council invite you to a live stream of a Civic Reception in recognition of the Meath Minor Football Team's momentous achievement in being crowned All Ireland Minor Football Champions 2021. Monday, November 1st, from the Solstice Arts Centre, Navan...
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CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) funding is a targeted investment programme which provides funding for small-scale infrastructural projects in rural areas that have suffered the greatest levels of population decline.


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Clean Air Week 2019

November 10 , 2019, Cabra, Dublin – The Green-Schools Travel programme together with students from St. Finbarrs’s N.S, Cabra officially launched Ireland’s first Clean Air Week 2019 at a student demonstration-style event outside their school gates recently. Clean Air Week will run from Monday, November 18 to Friday, November 22...
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Climate Action - What Can I Do?

What you can do about Climate Change

Individuals, Communities & Businesses can all collectively make a big difference, to ourselves, to our pockets, and to the environment. By taking individual responsibility and changing our behaviour in small ways every day, we’ll help save energy while we save money too.

List of day-to-day sustainable actions

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