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Harry Potter Readalikes

If the magic and adventure in the Harry Potter series ignited your imagination then you might like to try some of the titles below. They're all available on BorrowBox and there's a mix of eBooks and eAudiobooks on the list.  Let us know which ones were your favourites by sending us a review and giving the books a rating.

Harry Potter Books
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Knit'n 'Natters Craft Group

Every Thursday from 2 to 4pm.
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Event Dates
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Launch of "Trim, September 1920"

On Thursday 24th September 2020, Meath County Council held its first virtual event to launch the publication of ‘Trim, September 1920’ in Trim Library. The Chief Executive Jackie Maguire was joined by the Cathaoirleach Cllr David Gilroy and by the authors of the book, Cllr. Noel French and Tom French...
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