Taxonomy List


Ashbourne Smokey Coal Ban 2020

The use of residential solid fuel is a significant source of air pollution, notably ‘particulate matter’ or smoke. To maintain and improve good air quality standards and to ensure that our air quality will be healthy and clean, new solid fuel regulations (S.I 260 of 2020) have been introduced. From...
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Ashbourne Town and Environs - Low Smoke Zone

Are you in the Low Smoke Zone? From 1st September 2020 Ashbourne Town and Environs will become a Low Smoke Zone under the Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. From that date it will be illegal to burn bituminous coal (Smoky Coal)...
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Balrath Wood

Balrath can be enjoyed throughout the year. However, the ideal time to visit Balrath is in late summer/early autumn when there are plenty of leaves and some fruits/nuts on the trees, some wildflowers still in bloom and also some insect life to be seen. Spring and summer are also good times, especially to see woodland wildflowers in their natural habitat.

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Books to TV

As Normal People draws to an end we've compiled a list of other book that have been adapted for TV; some to look forward to later in the year, and some that have already been aired.  You might be surprised to find some names on the list.

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Ciorcal Gaeilge - Irish Conversation Circle

Every Tuesday at 11.00 am
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Comhrá Group

Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am – 1pm.
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