Taxonomy List


Nick Killian

Cathaoirleach/Chairperson Municipal District
Municipal District
Political Party
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Notice of Draft Local Authority Budget for 2020

Notice is hereby given that the Draft Local Authority Budget of Meath County Council for the financial year ending on 31st December 2020 has been prepared and will be considered by the Council at the Statutory Budget Meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Railway Street, Navan...
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Notice of Proposed Development Ratoath Pedestrian and Cycling Scheme

Planning and Development Act 2000–2019 Planning and Development Regulations 2001–2020 MEATH COUNTY COUNCIL PART 8 PLANNING NOTICE In accordance with the above regulations, Meath County Council proposes to carry out development works on all approach roads from the Town edge into the centre of Ratoath itself. The proposed works will...
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