Taxonomy List


Arts Projects

Promoting the production of new work is a key goal of Meath County Council Arts Office which has proudly commissioned a number of new and exciting projects

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Ashbourne Fire Station Celebrates 20th Anniversary

On Friday last, November 29th, Ashbourne Fire Station celebrated the 20th anniversary of the opening of Ashbourne Fire station. Back in the mid to late 1990s, Meath County Council decided to provide more strategic fire cover for the town of Ashbourne and its surrounding areas which were rapidly increasing in...
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Ashbourne Smokey Coal Ban 2020

The use of residential solid fuel is a significant source of air pollution, notably ‘particulate matter’ or smoke. To maintain and improve good air quality standards and to ensure that our air quality will be healthy and clean, new solid fuel regulations (S.I 260 of 2020) have been introduced. From...
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Ashbourne Town and Environs - Low Smoke Zone

Are you in the Low Smoke Zone? From 1st September 2020 Ashbourne Town and Environs will become a Low Smoke Zone under the Air Pollution Act (Marketing, Sale, Distribution and Burning of Specified Fuels) (Amendment) Regulations 2020. From that date it will be illegal to burn bituminous coal (Smoky Coal)...
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