Severe Weather Event this Week - Meath County Council has made preparations for the severe weather event which is forecast for this week

Severe Weather Event this Week - Meath County Council has made preparations for the severe weather event which is forecast for this week


Meath County Council has made preparations for the severe weather event which is forecast for this week.

The Council has adequate amounts of salt to ensure that the designated routes are gritted.  

Gritting routes may be viewed on our website at 

Snow ploughs have been fitted to the gritting trucks to clear accumulations of snow as required.

The Council will prioritize the clearing of roads and dealing with individual emergency incidents to ensure, as far as possible, the safety and welfare of the public.

Motorists are asked  to adjust their driving style to account for the road and prevailing weather or other environmental conditions.

We are also asking  people to drive with care on rural roads and only undertake essential journeys. Please follow the advice of the Gardaí and the A.A. with regard to planned journeys.

Meath County Council’s Civil Defence has eight locations around the county and will work with the Gardaí to identify vulnerable people and provide assistance, if required. The local area offices may be also contacted for assistance, if necessary.