Proposed Traffic Calming at Knightsbrook Estate, Trim, in the Trim Municipal District


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, as amended, Meath County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to provide the following safety improvement measures at Knightsbrook Estate, Trim in the Trim Municipal District.

Proposed Traffic Calming at Knightsbrook Estate, Trim, in the Trim Municipal District

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, as amended, Meath County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to provide the following safety improvement measures at Knightsbrook Estate, Trim in the Trim Municipal District

The proposed development, which is the subject of this Section 38 notice will include the following: 

• A Chicane and all Associated Signage and Road Markings

Drawings and particulars indicating the proposals are available for inspection at the offices of Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291 during normal office hours from Wednesday the 26th of February 2025 to Friday the 4th of April 2025 inclusive. 

They are also available to view or to download from the Meath County Council website at the following address:

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed traffic calming, may be made in writing to the Local Authority: Transportation Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291 or emailed to on or before 5pm Friday the 4th of April 2025. 

The provision of this scheme is subject to funding.

Knightsbrook 1
Knightsbrook 2
Knightsbrook 3
Knightsbrook 4