Athboy - Age Friendly Town

Athboy - Age Friendly Town

Work is ongoing in Athboy to make it an Age Friendly Town.

A comprehensive Walkability study was undertaken in Athboy in July 2019.  This led to an application for funding and to the announcement of over €600,000 for a major streetscaping and public realm project under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund.  Design work is now progressing to prepare a plan for public realm work in Athboy.

The Age Friendly Business Programme is being rolled out among all the Businesses in Athboy and will be launched in June 2021.  This programme involves Businesses signing up to at least 3 actions to make their businesses more appealing and accessible for people aged 55 and older.  

An Age Friendly Parking Space is being installed on the Main Street in front of the new Health Centre and Consultation in relation to the relocation of the bus stop to the western end of the town with improved parking and removal of the bus stop from the main street is due to commence in the coming weeks.


Work on an Age Friendly Parking Space, Main Street Athboy, May 2021

Work on an Age Friendly Parking Space, Main Street Athboy, May 2021.