Council own Development Consents (Part 8's)

Council own Development Consents (Part 8's)

Details of developments and works proposed to be undertaken by Meath County Council.

When Meath County Council proposes to carry out certain types of works such as roads, housing or other infrastructure it must publish its proposals.

You are invited to make a submission within an appropriate time, as stated in the public notices. 
(According to Part X Planning & Development Act 2000; Part 8 ( Planning & Development) Regulations 2001, as amended).

There is no fee for making a submission relating to these planning applications.

Please note that the name and address of the Observor/Submittor is required

Details of the Council proposals can be viewed online by clicking on the Ref No link below. Most recent applications are at the top of the list.


PT8MH148 - Poles Greenway Carpark & Greenway Footpath Link

The development will consist of:

  • New 2m wide footpath along R162, 850m in length, providing pedestrian access to the Boyne Valley Lakelands Greenway Crossing at Poles Cross. The footpath will extend along R162 from the Gypsum Plant, traverse the Greenway entrance, and continue to L74034 Ballynaclose Junction
  • Provision of car park facilities to accommodate 19 car parking spaces, which includes two disabled parking spaces at the Poles Cross Greenway Crossing in the townlands of Lisnagrow and Ballynaclose
  • The car park is proposed to have footpaths, boundary treatments and ancillary features
  • Ancillary site development/ground works including minor infrastructural excavation works, installation of road gullies, utilities, surface water drainage, installation of soakaway infrastructure, etc

Submissions may be made to Meath County Council via the ePlanning Portal or via email to on or before 30th September 2024.


PT8MH137 - East Meath Cycle Facilities - R150 Bettystown Court Roundabout to Whitefield Roundabout Scheme

The development will consist of:

  • Provision of walking and cycling infrastructure for active travel in Bettystown, Co Meath.  
  • Construction of a two-way cycle facility on the eastern side of the R150 Eastham Road
  • Upgraded footway infrastructure on both sides of the R150 Eastham Road and along the L56153 McDonough's Lane
  • Closure of the five exisitng gated access points from Whitefield Estate to L56153 McDonough's Lane
  • Construction of new entry points and the associated zebra crossing to link both Castlemartin Green and Whitefield Hall Avenue
  • A signalised toucan crossing on R150 Eastham Road
  • Associated landscaping, public lighting, drainage, crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, boundary treatments, surfacing works and raised tables along the scheme. 
  • The proposed scheme also includes the construction of footways, pedestrian crossings, and kerb re-alignments at the R150 junction with L5615 Pilltown Road.

Submissions may be made to Meath County Council via the ePlanning Portal or via email to on or before 2nd September 2024.


PT8MH113 - Greenway Carpark and Kilberry to Greenway Footpath Link

The development will consist of:

  • Provision of a 2m wide footpath, approximately 1.7km in length, connecting Kilberry Village to Boyne Valley Lakelands Greenway.
  • Provision of car parking facilities where the Greenway crosses R163.
  • Associated surface water drainage, boundary treatments, and provision for future utilities as required.
  • Proposed pedestrian structure to carry the 2m wide footpath over the Tatestown stream at Silloge.
  • Visibility improvement measures to R163 at Silloge.

Development Location: Kilberry, Silloge and Randalstown, Navan, Co. Meath

Make a Submission

Submissions may be made via the ePlanning Portal , via email to or in writing to Meath County Council on or before 14th June 2024.


P823011 - Greenogue Rural Bus Stops Scheme

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • The Provision of two new offline bus stops in Greenogue, Ashbourne, Co Meath. The proposed scheme includes for the construction of two new offline bus stops, one located on either side of the R125 Regional Road, associated interconnecting footpath infrastructure, including an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, and associated public light, drainage, boundary treatments and surfacing works. 

Development Location: Greenogue, Ashbourne, Co. Meath


P823010 - Newtown, Trim, Active Travel Scheme

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

The provision of 470m of new/improved pedestrian facilities (footpath) along the Newtown Road (L8017) and 185m of offline pedestrian facilities from the R161 Navan Road junction to, and including, a section of Green Area adjacent to the Old Lackanash Road (L8016) in Newtown, Trim, Co Meath.

The Proposed Development specifics include; 

  • Provision of New and Upgraded Pedestrian Facilities (footpaths/walkways)
  • Active Travel Infrastructure
  • Public lighting works and associated accommodation & boundary works
  • Landscaping works
  • Drainage/attenuation works and ancillary infrastructure works.

Development Location: Newtown, Trim, Co. Meath


P823009 - Trim Market House Building (Protected Structure RPS Reference 91253) and surrounds

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Demolition of existing 1950's Dance Hall, Entrance, Public Toilets and Fly Tower to the rear and sides of the Market House Building.
  • Demolition and reinstatement of sections of current access ramp to Trim Castle.
  • Erection of a covered access walkway between the Market House and the main access ramp to Trim Castle.
  • Erection of a two storey, rear extension to the Market House, with a roof terrace at first floor level.
  • Conservation and restoration works to the existing Market House Building.
  • External signage.
  • Removal of bus stop.
  • Provision of temporary construction compound.
  • Services and on-site renewables to be placed within grounds.
  • All ancillary site works.

Development Location: Castle Street, Trim, Co. Meath


P823008 - Enfield Town Centre

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Town centre car parking for access to local businesses.
  • Parking for the Playground.
  • Re-located parking for the Enfield Community Hub.
  • Parking for access to public transport links.
  • Car changing facilities.
  • Bicycle parking.
  • Electric bicycle charging facilities.
  • Re-location of recycling facilities for safer access.
  • Outdoor public plaza (approx. 1,200m2) to the front and rear of the Enfield Community Hub.
  • CCTV to cover the facility.
  • Associated site development works.

Development Location: Enfield ,Co. Meath


P823007 - Batterstown Traffic Calming Scheme

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Traffic Calming of 1.8km of carriageway within Batterstown village
  • Provision of footpaths and Kerbs along the R154 and the L2215
  • Provision of raised table pedestrian crossing points.
  • Upgrade of controlled crossings and the provision of new zebra crossing.
  • Provision of concrete Traffic Islands within the 50kph zone
  • Provision of improved parallel parking
  • Provision of off-line bus stops on both sides of the R154.
  • Proposed Public lighting, accommodation boundary works, landscaping works, drainage/attenuation works, and ancillary infrastructure, utility works and all ancillary works.

Development Location: Rathregan & Glebe Townlands, Batterstown, Dunshaughlin Co. Meath


P823006 - Dunshaughlin Courthouse Project

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Conservation, renovation and extension of an existing protected structure (LA RPS ID 91435) and the creation of a multi-purpose community facility at the former Courthouse in Dunshaughlin;
  • The enhancement of the existing public forecourt, public road and footpaths to the front of the Courthouse and adjoining Garda Station to create a focal point for the local community;
  • Relocation within the forecourt of the public art piece, 'Spring to Autumn'
  • All ancillary site works.

Development Location: The former Courthouse, Main Street, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath


P823005 - Dunshaughlin Public Realm Scheme

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

The provision of Public Realm Upgrade works along the Main Street R147 from its junction with Supple Hall to its junction with the Bungalows, and along The Dales from its junction with Main Street to a point 200m west.  The proposed development Specifics include : 

  • Streetscape Upgrades
  • Carriageway Realignment works
  • Junction upgrades including signalisation of the Main Street / The Dales junction
  • Traffic Calming and Pedestrian crossing measures
  • Provision of new and upgraded pedestrian facilities
  • Active Travel Infrastructure
  • Rationalised Street Parking and Accessible Spaces
  • Public lighting works
  • Associated accommodation and boundary works
  • Landscaping works
  • Drainage / attenuation works
  • Ancillary Infrastructure Works

Development Location: Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath 


P823004 - Oldcastle Main Square Public Realm Enhancement Scheme, Oldcastle

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Redesign of roadways and junctions,
  • Creation of new open spaces,
  • Improved and wider footpaths,
  • New materials palette consisting of modular paving units,
  • Improved visibility for road users and pedestrians,
  • Safer crossing points for pedestrians,
  • Traffic Calming and improved traffic flow,
  • Time restricted parking within the town centre,
  • Improved links to all parts of the town including the playground and Railway Yard car park,
  • Improved street lighting,
  • CCTV at the Railway Yard car park,
  • Installation of street furniture,
  • Provision of locations for Public Artwork / sculptures within the town centre,
  • Undergrounding of overhead cables,
  • Enhanced landscaping to include additional trees and vegetation,
  • New signage and line marking,
  • New asphalt road surfacing on the regional roads,
  • New drop off and pick up area for Gilson National School with new steps and crossing point.

Development Location: Townland of Oldcastle, Co. Meath 


P823003 - Play Park at the Fair Green, Railway Yard, Oldcastle, Co. Meath

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Play Park with an area of 4,980 m.sq.
  • Multi-use games court.
  • Informal sports courts.
  • Skate / pump track.
  • Exercise equipment.
  • Play areas for age groups 0 -12 years.
  • Open green spaces.
  • Picnic seating.
  • Hard and soft landscaping.
  • Hard surface paths throughout.
  • New public lighting and CCTV.
  • Retain and make good existing 1.5m – 4m high natural stone walls.
  • All associated works including netting behind sports areas, surface water drainage, ducting, piping etc.

Development Location: Townland of Oldcastle, Co. Meath 


P823002 - Provision of a Playground, Woodland walk, and Burial Ground constructed on two tiers with associated works in the townland of Gormanston, Co. Meath

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • A total of 1,140 no. single Burial Plots, Garden of Remembrance for 90 no. Urn Plots and Columbarium Walls for the interment of Urns
  • A Playground with an area of 1,650 m.sq  with a 2.1m high natural stone boundary wall;
  • Internal Access Roads and footpaths to accommodate vehicular and pedestrian access  with low level Public lighting and walking access aisles
  • Utilisation of the existing agricultural entrance from the Local Road L-1617-8 (Gormanston - Stamullen) with provision of a new entrance layout to include natural stone piers, gates and railings;
  • Carparking within the development for a total of 92 car-parking spaces with Public Lighting;
  • A Caretaker’s office/canteen and toilet facilities;
  • Installation of Solar PV panels on the Caretaker Building Roof
  • Importation of 19,500 tonnes of Soil and Stone by-product to raise the existing ground levels to construct the tiered cemetery; to ensure adequate separation distance from Burials to groundwater; for general landscaping; landscaping burial plots; and the construction of the attenuation system including an attenuation pond;
  • Woodland walk comprising of natural walkways, new tree planting with access from the Burial Ground with potential access to the Delvin River Linear walk from an adjoining development;
  • All associated works including boundary fencing, landscaping, surface water drainage and attenuation system, attenuation pond, ducting, piping, and ancillary works

Development Location: Townland of Gormanston, Co. Meath 


P823001 - Housing Development on lands at Rathaldron Court, Rathaldron Road, Navan

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Construction of 27 no. residential units comprising – 2 no. 4-bed two-storey semi-detached dwellings; 11 no. 2-bed two-storey terraced dwellings; and, 14 no. apartments arranged in 3 no. two-storey blocks containing a total of 7 no. ground floor level 1-bed units and 7 no. first floor level 1-bed units;
  • Provision of public open space, boundary treatments, landscaping and SuDS drainage;
  • Connection to public sewers and mains water supply;
  • Vehicular parking, cycle parking and refuse storage;
  • Extension of internal roads/footpaths and erection of public streetlighting;
  • Alterations to the previously approved MCC Reg. Ref. NA60183 (ABP Ref. No. PL17.221054) regarding an amendment to Condition No. 15 that relates to open space. The amendments to Condition No. 15 comprises of a portion of the open space relating to the above and previously approved development shall be removed, redeveloped and replaced elsewhere as part of the proposed residential scheme herein; and,
  • All ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development.

Development Location:  Rathaldron Court, Rathaldron Road, Navan, Co. Meath.


P822023 - Proposed amendments to previously permitted Kiosk Building at Kennedy Plaza, Abbeyland South, Navan

Development Description: The proposed development shall include for:

  • The construction of a Kiosk Building to a revised design and layout from that previously permitted under Planning Ref P8/17004, which shall incorporate a commercial food & beverage counter, a tourist information stand and bus driver rest & welfare facilities.
  • All associated service connections.
  • Alterations to adjacent paved surfaces to facilities access to the proposed building.

Development Location:  Kennedy Plaza, Abbeyland South, Navan


P822022 - Dunboyne Link Road - Dunboyne Business Park Road and the R157, Dunboyne, Co Meath

Development Description: The proposed development will consist of:

  • The provision of a new Link Road (approximately 340m long), from the existing Dunboyne Business Park Road to a new priority junction on the R157.
  • The provision of a new Access Road (approximately 50m long), to provide access to the Recycling and Civic Amenity Centre, and other adjacent landholdings.
  • Provision of footpaths and raised cycle tracks on both sides of the proposed Link Road.
  • Provision of a footpath on the eastern side of the proposed Recycling Centre Access Road.
  • Priority junction implementation between the proposed Link Road and the R157.
  • Priority junction implementation between the proposed Link Road and proposed Recycling Centre Access Road.
  • Provision of off-line bus stops on both sides of the proposed Link Road.
  • Public lighting, accommodation and fencing/boundary works, landscaping works, drainage/attenuation works, and ancillary infrastructure and utility works.

Development Location:  Dunboyne Business Park Road and the R157, Dunboyne, Co. Meath


P822021 - Navan Cycle Scheme - R147 Poolboy Bridge to Kells Road Roundabout, Navan, Co. Meath

Development Description: Meath County Council proposes to carry out development works on the following roads and junctions in Navan; - R147, from its junction with R-161-5 Watergate Street and R-162-169 Flower Hill westwards to the N51 Junction with Beaufort Road and L-8950-0 Abbey Road. Thereon continuing westwards along the N51 to tie-in with the proposed LDR4 road scheme to the east of the existing Kells Road Roundabout. - The junction of the R147 with R-161-5 Watergate Street and R-162-169 Flower Hill known as Poolboy Bridge. - The junction of R147 with the N51 Beaufort Road and L-8950-0 Abbey Road known as 'Fire Station Junction'. - The junction of the N51 and the R-895-2 Canon Row and the Balmoral Industrial Estate. The proposed works will be carried out within existing roadway boundaries, with some minor relocation/setting back of some public and private boundaries. Construction works along the route will involve the following elements; - Construction of new kerb lines for new footpaths and cycle lanes/tracks . - Provision of new footpaths and/or upgrading of existing surfaces on footpaths. - Provision of controlled crossings points for pedestrians and cyclists. - Provision of segregated cycling facilities. - Provision for shared road space for cycling. - Upgrading of existing signalised junctions to accommodate safe pedestrian and cyclist maneuvers. - Removal of the existing left-tum-lane on Abbey Road heading west. - The provision of additional landscaping such as trees, shrubbery etc. - Earthworks/ excavations of existing roadways and verges, of existing roadway/footpaths, for service ducts and road crossings, etc. - All associated civil works with the above i.e., ducting, drainage, concreting, macadam works, tree felling, hedge removal etc. - Provision of retaining features within existing side slopes to provide additional width for pedestrian and cycling facilities. - Setting back of the wall between the N51 and Dean Cogan Place. - Upgrading existing bus stops.

Development Location: R147 Poolboy Bridge To Kells Road Roundabout, Navan, Co. Meath 


P822020 - Navan Cycle Scheme - R147 Poolboy Bridge to Kells Road Roundabout, Navan, Co. Meath (WITHDRAWN))

Development Description: the development will consist of the following: - construction works along the route will involve the following elements; - construction of new kerb lines for new footpaths and cycle lanes/tracks, - provision of new footpaths and/or upgrading of existing surfaces on footpaths, - provision of controlled crossings points for pedestrian and cyclists, - provision of segregated cycling facilities, - provision of shared road space for cycling, - upgrading of existing signalised junctions to accommodate safe pedestrian and cyclist manoeuvres, - removal of existing left-turn-lane to Abbey Road heading west, - the provision of additional landscaping such as trees, shrubbery etc., - earthworks / excavation of existing roadways and verges, of existing roadway / footpaths, for service ducts and road crossings, etc. – all associated civil works with the above, i.e. ducting, drainage, concreting, macadam works, tree felling, hedge removal etc., - provision of retaining features within existing side slopes to provide additional width for pedestrian and cycling facilities setting back of the wall between the N51 and Dean Cogan Place, - upgrading existing bus stops.

Development Location: Along the R147 in the Townlands of Townparks and Abbeyland South in Navan, Co Meath


P822019 - Housing Development at Rathaldron Court , Rathhaldron Road, Navan, Co. Meath (WITHDRAWN)

Development Description: the development will consist of the following: - Construction of 27no. residential units comprising: - 2 no. 4-bed two-storey semi-detached dwellings; - 11no. 2-bed two-storey terraced dwellings; and - 14 no. apartments arranged in 3 no. two- storey blocks containing a total of 7 no. ground floor level 1-bec units and 7 no. first floor level 1- bed units. - Provision of public open space, boundary treatments, landscaping and SuDS drainage; - Connection to public sewers and mains water supply; - Vehicular parking, cycle parking and refuse storage; - Extension of internal roads/footpaths and erection of public streetlighting; and - All ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development. The development has been subject to an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2022. In accordance with Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2022, Meath County Council has concluded from a preliminary examination, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and that a\n Environmental Impact Assessment is not required.

Development Location: Rathaldron Court , Rathhaldron Road, Navan, Co. Meath


P822018 - N52 Calliaghstown Road Safety Improvement Scheme

Development Description: The proposed development will consist of

  • The provision of a footpath (approximately 950m long) primarily along the northside of the N52 from its junction with the Rhine road L68355 to the existing footpath at the M3-N3-N52 roundabout at Townparks, Kells, Co Meath
  • Two number traffic calming gateways on the N52 at Barfordstown and Townparks
  • Safety improvement works to the junctions of the N52 and The Rhine road, L68355 and to the junction of the N52 and Boolies road, L68350
  • Drainage works comprising road gullies, underground pipelines (both new and upsizing existing)
  • Public lighting, accommodation & fencing / boundary works, relocation of utility poles
  • Landscaping works and ancillary infrastructure works

Development Location: Townparks, Calliaghstown, Lackmelch and Barfordstown, southwest of Kells, Co Meath  


P822017 - Ratholdren Court - 27nr. Units (WITHDRAWN)

Development Description: construction of 27 no. residential units comprising - 2 no. 4 bed two storey semi detached dwellings, 11 no. 2 bed two storey terraced dwellings and 14 no. apartments arranged in 3 no. two storey blocks containing a total of 7 no. ground floor level 1 bed units and 7 no. first floor level 1 bed units, provision of public open space, boundary treatments, landscaping and SuDS drainage, connection to public sewers and mains water supply, vehicular parking, cycle parking and refuse storage, extension of internal roads/footpaths and erection of public street lighting and all ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development. Development Location: Rathaldron Court, Rathaldron Road, Navan, Co Meath


P822016 - Housing Development at Pitcher Lane, Kells

Development Description: demolition of existing unoccupied 2 storey property, construction of a residential development comprising of 2 no. 2 bed 2 storey units and 2 no. 1 bed apartments arranged in a terraced block and 1 no. 1 bed single storey detached unit, connection to public foul sewer and public mains water supply and all ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development. Development Location: Pitcher Lane, Kells, Co Meath


P822015 - Housing Development on Lands Comprising of no. 43 and 44 Brews Hill, Navan

Development Description: demolition of existing unoccupied two storey dwellings and structures at No. 43 & 44 Brews Hill, Navan, Co Meath. Construction of 12 no. units comprising of 6 no. ground floor 1 bedroom apartments and 6 no. 1st and 2nd floor duplex apartments, connection to public foul sewer and public mains water supply and all ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development. Development Location: 43 & 44 Brews Hill, Navan, Co Meath  


P822014 - Traffic Management Scheme, Convent Road (L-34002-0), Athlumney, Navan

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  1. The closure of part of Convent Road to vehicular Traffic from the Riverside development to Athlumney Castle (with local access provided)
  2. Traffic calming on Convent Road in proximity to the entrance of the Loreto Secondary School
  3. Enhances public lighting
  4. Provision of CCTV for the purposes of traffic management, public order and safety in public places
  5. Landscaping measures
  6. Road surfacing, erection of signage
  7. Ancillary works

Location : Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath


P822013 - Swan Lane, Balreask Old, Navan

Development Description: The development will consist of the following:

  • Demolition of existing fire-damaged two storey property;
  • Construction of a two-storey development comprising 2no. 2-bed residential units and 4no. 1-bed residential units;
  • Connection to public sewers and mains water supply;
  • Erection of bin stores and bicycle store;
  • All ancillary site works necessary to facilitate the development inclusive of road/footpath revisions, boundary treatments, vehicular parking arrangements, SuDS drainage and landscaping.

Location : Swan Lane (Eircode C15 RD82), Balreask Old, Navan, Co. Meath


P822012 - Newtown, Creevagh, Ardee, Co Meath 

Development Description: the development will consist of the following, construction of 1 no. 2 bedroom, single storey residential dwelling, connection to public water supply and public sewer , all associated site workDevelopment Location: Newtown, Creevagh, Ardee, Co Meath  


P822011 - Navan Cycle Scheme - R147 Martha's Bridge to Circular Road Scheme

Development Description: the proposed works will be carried out within existing roadway boundaries, with some minor relocation/setting back of some private boundaries. Construction works along the route will involve the following elements: Construction of new kerb lines for new footpaths and cycle lanes/tracks, provision of new footpaths and/or upgrading of existing surfaces on footpaths, provision of controlled crossings points for pedestrians and cyclists, provision of segregated cycling facilities, provision for shared road space for cycling, signalising of the existing R147/Academy Street junction, upgrading of existing signalised junctions, removal of the existing right-turn-lane to the Riverside Filling Station, the provision of additional open space at the junction of R147 with Academy Street including additional landscaping such as trees, shrubbery etc, earthworks/excavations of existing roadways and verges of existing roadway/footpaths for service ducts and road crossings, etc and all associated civil works with the above i.e., ducting, drainage, concreting, macadam works, tree felling, hedge removal etc.  Development Location: Limekilnhill, Dillonsland, Townparks & Balreask Old, Navan, Co Meath 


P822010 - Provision of a Burial Ground with Associated Works, Trim

Development Description: the provision of a burial ground with associated works including: a total of 2,400 single burial plot burial ground, garden of remembrance and columbarium walls for the interment of urns, internal access roads and footpaths to accommodate vehicular access and walking access isles, an access road with a general cross-section of 12 meters incorporating a 2 metre grass verge, a 2 metre footpath with low level public lighting, a new entrance from the local road L-80171 (Loganstown/Rathnally Road) with gates and railings, utilisation of the existing agricultural entrance with the construction of a new access road to east of the proposed burial ground to access the rear agricultural lands, a carpark with a total of 101 car parking spaces with public lighting, a caretaker's office/canteen and toilet facilities, a waste-water treatment plant and percolation area, all associated works including boundary fencing, landscaping, surface water drainage and attenuation system, ducting, piping and ancillary works, the upgrade of local road L-80171 incorporating a 2 metre wide footpath with public lighting, road widening and drainage for a distance of approximately 600 metres from the burial ground entrance to the junction of the Navan-Trim R161 regional road. Development Location: Loganstown, Newtown, Littlerath, Kiltoome & Peterstown, Trim, Co Meath


P822009 - Extension of the Navan CCTV Scheme

Development Description: The development will consist of: 58no additional CCTV camera’s mounted on steel pole structures measuring 7.3 metres and 10 metres in height situated in Navan town and surrounds, Navan, Co Meath together with all associated site works in relation to this development.  A number of these proposed structures will be located within the Navan Town Centre Architectural Conservation Area as identified in the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027. Development Location: Navan town and surrounds, Navan, Co Meath


P822008 - Proposed development of former St Patrick's Classical School

Development Description: The development will consist of the conservation, restoration and change of use of the original building, a Protected Structure, for use as the Meath County Archive as well as ancillary site development works.  Development Location: Navan, Co Meath


P822007 - Ashbourne Skate Park

Development Description: The construction of linear walkways throughout the area, installation of a skateboard park installation of a pedestrian footbridge linking areas either side of the river, installation of public lighting throughout the site, upgrading of roadside boundary treatment, construction of a riverside board walk  to link to Churchfields Housing Estate and landscaping throughout the site. Location: Killegland, Ashbourne, Co Meath


P822006 -  Ratoath Footpaths and Cycle Lane Tracks

Development Description: The proposed works will be carried out within existing roadway boundaries, with some minor relocation/setting back of some private boundaries. Construction works along the route will involve the following elements; - Construction of new kerb lines for new footpaths and cycle lanes/tracks - Provision of new footpaths and/or upgrading of existing surfaces on footpaths - Provision of controlled crossings points for pedestrians - Provision of raised tables to control/regulate vehicular speeds - Provision of segregated and shared cycling facilities - Provision for shared road space for cycling - Provision of a River Walk route adjacent to the Broadmeadow River - Earthworks / excavations of existing roadways and verges, of existing roadway/footpaths, for service ducts and road crossings, etc. - All associated civil works with the above i.e., ducting, drainage, concreting, macadam works, tree felling, Hedge Removal etc. The proposed works above will take place in the Townlands of Ratoath, Commons, Newtown, Doghtog, Jamestown (ED Ratoath), and Brownstown (ED Ratoath), Co. Meath. Location: Commons, Newtown, Doghtog, Jamestown & Brownstown, Ratoath, Co. Meath 


P822005 - Blackhill Crescent Donacarney

Development Description: The development will consist of the construction of 2 single storey 2-bed housing units, including all site development works with access through the existing Blackhill Crescent estate. The Development has been subject to an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6 (3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2021. In accordance with Article 81 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2021, Meath County Council has concluded from a preliminary examination, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and that and Environmental Impact Assessment is not required.


P822004 - Churchview, Rathmolyon (22 housing units)

Development Description: The development will consist of the construction of 22 housing units in total, including all site development works with access through the existing Churchview estate. The proposed housing units will comprise: 1 no. single-storey 2-bedroom bungalow, 10 no. 2 bed 2 storey houses, 3 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses, 4 no. 2 bed ground floor duplex units, 4 no. 3 bed 1st & 2nd floor duplex units. The Development has been subject to an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6 (3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2021. In accordance with Article 81 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2021, Meath County Council has concluded from a preliminary examination, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and that and Environmental Impact Assessment is not required


P822003 - Convent Lands, Kildalkey Rd, Athboy

Development Description: Age Friendly Housing Development for adults aged 55 years and over. The development will consist of the construction of 28nr. dwelling units including all site development works and a new access road from the Kildalkey Road to serve the development. The development will consist of the following Housing unit types: (a) 11nr. 1 bed single storey houses (b) 2 nr. 2 bed single storey houses (c) 1 nr.3 bed single storey house (d) 8 nr. 1 bed apartments in two storey blocks (e) 6 nr. 2 bed two storey houses. The development has been subject to an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6 (3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2021. In accordance with Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2021, Meath County Council has concluded from a preliminary examination, that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required.


P822002 - Bus Stop Facility Athboy

Development Description: the development will consist of: - The provision of a designated Bus Stop Facility adjacent to St. James' Catholic Church, Townspark, Athboy, Co. Meath along with relocation of the existing Recycling/Bring Bank Facility to the exterior of the Council Depot, Coille Dios, Townspark, Athboy. The proposed development ill include: - Road realignment works from N51 junction to the entrance of O'Growney National School, - Junction Upgrade to the N51 Main Street and Side Street, - Junction of new and upgraded pedestrian facilities, - Redesigned public car park, - Provision of a new public space adjacent to Church Grounds, - Fully accessible bus shelter and service, - Bicycle parking, - Designated parking and pull in for recycling facility, - Public lighting, - Realignment of boundary wall and relocation of entrance to St. James's Catholic Church (Protected Structure) and, - Associated accommodation & fencing/boundary works, landscaping works, drainage/attenuation works and ancillary infrastructure works. Location: Townspark, Athboy, Co. Meath.


P822001 - Kenlis Place & Headfort Place, Kells

Development Description: "Kenlis Place Public Realm Works" consist/consists of: - The installation of an access ramp to the front of the Kells Credit Union building which is a Protected Structure (LA RPS ID 905290), - Realignment of the junction between Kenlis Place and Headfort Place with the provision of raised table and pedestrian crossing on Kenlis Place, and upgrading of the Parnell Garden with a raised planted area


P821005 - Donacarney Footpath Cycleway Scheme

Development Description: The provision of a Footpath Cycleway between the existing footpath cycleway at Scoil Naisuinta Realt Na Mara and the existing footpath Cycleway opposite Whitefield Manor along the eastern side of the R150 for a distance of 700m in the townland of Donacarney Great.  The works will comprise the construction of a 3m wide shared footpath cycleway, a livestock underpass, public lighting, and associated accommodation & fencing works, landscaping works, drainage/attenuation works and ancillary works.


P821004 - St. Francis Park, Windtown, Navan 

Development Description: The development will consist of the following: (a) demolition of 14 no. existing bay units and existing caretaker's building, (b) construction of 10 no. dwellings with permanent caravan parking bays, (c) closure of the existing St. Francis Park entrance and access road on Ratholdren Road and provision of a new entrance and access road from Tailteann Drive, (d) redesign of landscaping within the site boundary, (e) all associated site development and associated ancillary works. The proposed housing units will comprise of 1 no. 2 bed single storey dwelling, 1 no. 3 bed single storey dwelling, 2 no. 4 bed single storey dwellings and 6 no. 4 bed two storey dormer dwellings. Location: St. Francis Park, Windtown, Navan  


P821003 - St. Kinneths Church, Ballivor

Development Description: The development will consist of: (a) change of use from deconsecrated church to community building (b) construction of a new accessible toilet, office and tea station within the church (c) installation of a new insulated floor slab (d) repair and restoration works to stained glass windows, roofs, ceilings, stairs and joinery (e) new mechanical and electrical services including underfloor heating (f) associated site works and landscaping. The building is a Protected Structure.  Location: Main Street, Ballivor


P821002 - Archdeaconry Glebe , Kells

Development Description: The development will consist of the of 22 housing units in total, including all site development works with access from the existing Blackwater Heights. The proposed unites will comprise of 1. 6 number 2 bed single storey units 2.6 number 2 bed 2 storey houses 3. 10 number 3 bed 2 storey houses.         


P820016 - Enfield - change of use

Development Description: Change of office usage ( Class 3) to Community Usage (Class 10) and minor material alterations to the building façade to building in Johnstown Enfield, Co. Meath.


P820015 - N51 Park & Ride Facility

Development Description: A new offline bus bay along the westbound lane of the N51 (Road Number N-51-1) capable of accommodating up to 4 large coaches, incorporating two new bus shelters, a new bus stand area and cycle parking; a new Park and Ride car parking area capable of accommodating a total of 181 car parking spaces, including 6 no. mobility impaired parking spaces and 18 no. e-car charging spaces; and associated accommodation & fencing works, public lighting, a CCTV system, landscaping works, surface water drainage works and ancillary works.


P8/20014 - Ratoath Pedestrian & Cycling Scheme - WITHDRAWN

Development Description: Construction of new kerb lines for new footpaths and cycle lanes/tracks Provision of new footpaths and/or upgrading of existing surfaces on footpaths Provision of controlled crossings points for pedestrians Provision of raised tables to control / regulate vehicular speeds Provision of segregated and shared cycling facilities Provision for shared road space for cycling Provision of a River Walk route adjacent to the Broadmeadow River Earthworks / excavations of existing roadways and verges, of existing roadway/footpaths, for service ducts and road crossings, etc. All associated civil works with the above i.e. ducting, drainage, concreting, macadam works, tree felling


P8/20013 - Nobber Fire Station

Development Description: (a) The partial demolition of the existing fire station building (b) Its extension horizontally to the rear in order to extend the existing appliance bay and southeast wing (c) Its extension vertically, to accommodate new break room and training room within the roof space at first floor level above the southeast wing (d) The construction of a new four storey training tower at the southwest corner of the site (e) The redesign of the landscaping around the Turlough O'Carolan monument to include the removal of the existing wall and fence and new hard and soft landscaping to create a public plaza with public lighting and seating (f) All associated boundary treatments and site works


P8/20012N52 Grange to Clontail Scheme

Realignment of the N52 National Secondary route in the townlands of Grange,Castletown,Stephenstown,Fringestown,Mitchelstown & Clontail comprising the construction of a Type 2 Single Carriageway road for a distance of 4.8 km from a location approximately 300m south west of Cassidy's Cross (N52/R162 junction) to a tie in point approximately 300m northeast of Mitchelstown Cross; and associated accommodation & fencing works, landscaping works, surface water drainage/attenuation works and ancillary works. The N52 realignment will consist of a 7.0m wide single carriageway, 0.5m hard strip each side with grass verges including the provision for a shared pedestrian and cycle path in the southern verge. A roundabout will be provided at the junction of the new N52 and the R162, with associated public lighting. The new N52 will include new junctions with local roads L3406 (via a new link road), L34013, L5600 and L74102. A new ghost island staggered junction will be provided at the Stokes Cross junction (L3406/L34013) and the Mitchelstown Cross junction (L5600/L74102). New priority T-junctions will be provided with the existing N52 at the realigned R162 and L34013. The following side roads will be realigned: R162, L3406, L34013, L5600 and L74102. The retained sections of the existing N52 road will be reclassified as a local road(s) and retained to service properties and local roads. Attenuation ponds will be provided at drainage outfall locations.


P8/20011 - Lagore Road, Dunshaughlin 

Lagore Road, Dunshaughlin, The construction of 42 housing units in total, including all site development works with access to the existing Lagore Estate


P8/20010 - Castle Street, Ashbourne

Castle Street, Ashbourne, The construction of 74 housing units in total, including all site development works with access from existing Education Campus link road.


P8/20001 - Bettystown Library and Community Building

(a)Demolition of No.3 existing two-storey houses, consisting of a slate roofed terrace building with single storey shed to the rear (b) Construction of a lifeguard station, public toilets and public library (c) The public toilets are composed of separate male and female toilet facilities, an accessible WC, beach wheelchair store and fully accessible WC, shower and changing room. Baby changing facilities will also be incorporated. (d) The public library includes a community meeting room, staff areas, public library areas, meeting rooms, study and multipurpose rooms, Additional ancillary accommodation includes toilets and circulation spaces. (e) Public realm space is located to the south and east of the proposed building giving access from the town centre to the Bettystown Beach and providing views across the beach. Stepped and sloped access routes are proposed to facilitate pedestrian movement between the town centre and Bettystown Beach. (f) A secure service and delivery area is located to the north of the proposed building, adjacent to the neighbouring buildings to the north of the application site, with vehicular access from the west and east

P8/19010 - Porch Field, Trim, Co. Meath

Description: Improved pedestrian entrance at R154 and Old Lackanash Road, - Provide pedestrian gateway to North West of site to R154, - Develop a large picnic area to include a raised grass area, - Install new Picnic/Seating areas along the footpath, - Upgrade the existing footpath surface, - Pastoral fence enclosure, - Areas for planting and establishment of wildflower meadow, - Repair and enhancement of the historic Horse Bridge feature, - Upgrade of the footpath surface leading from the R154 along the river to Trim Castle and Car Park.

P8/19009 - Fair Green, Athboy, Co. Meath

Description: Meath County Council proposes to carry out  development consisting of upgrading of existing footpaths within the Fairgreen area, upgrading of street furniture, removal of a section of existing stone wall along the north western boundary and rebuilding along new boundary line(existing stone will be reused where possible) and repair of existing stone wall. The site is located in the Architectural Conservation Area of Athboy

P8/19008 - Kilbride Road (L-1007) Junction with the R125 Ratoath/Ashbourne Road, immediately east of the Ratoath Outer Relief Road, within the townlands of Raystown, Tankardstown, Jamestown and Ratoath

Description: Meath County Council proposes to carry out Junction Improvement Works at the Kilbride Road(L-1007)Junction with the R125 Ratoath/Ashbourne Road, immediately east of the Ratoath Outer Relief Road, within the townlands of Raystown, Tankardstown, Jamestown and Ratoath. The scheme will consist of the realignment of the junction and the provision of traffic lights and also includes connecting with the Ratoath Outer Relief junction at Moulden Bridge which is located 85m west of the R125 Ashbourne Road/L-1007 Kilbride Road junction. The proposed project is located approximately 55m east of the existing junction and subsequently requires realignment of 210 metres of the Kilbride Road (L-1007) immediately south of R125 Ashbourne Road and 220 metres of the R125 Asbourne Road

P8/19007 - Nobber, Co. Meath

Description: The development will consist of a development of 19 housing units in total, including all site development works, with vehicular access through the existing development at Cluain Beag and a new pedestrain access via O'Carolan Park, Nobber. The works include the construction of a farm access laneway off the Cregg Road, Nobber. The proposed housing units will comprise; 6 no. 1 bed single storey house, 8 no. 2 bed storey houses and 5 no. 3 bed two storey houses.

P8/19006 - High Street, Trim & extending westwards to frontage on St. Loman's Street, including the existing Trim Library of 473.8m2 & the former St. Patrick's Chapel of 115.6m2 (a Protected Structure)

Description: The development will consist of the construction of the Trim Library & Cultural Centre in a total of 1,162.4m2 which will be part single, part two and part three storey in height, including: - the demolition of a lean-to structure to the rear and a boiler house to the side of St. Patrick's Chapel(which is a Protected structure). - the conservation, alteration & refurbishment of the former chapel for use as part of the Centre. - the demolition of temporary office accommodation to the rear of the current library & a section of the library itself (164.9m2) to allow for the construction of the Centre. - the provision of additional facilities for the library including new reception, study & multipurpose rooms & support services, the library additions being, in total 187.9m2. - the construction of a multipurpose performance space with seating capacity up to 247 no., including stage, scene dock & support spaces, in total of 409.1m2. - shared foyer & entrance space to the Centre including shared facilities, meeting/changing rooms & rehearsal spaces, toilets, circulation spaces, plant rooms etc in a total of 565.4m2. - The development will also include associated site development works, drainage & hard landscaping works including pedestrian access from High Street & vehicular & service access from St. Loman's Street.

P8/19005 - Blackwater Park, Windtown Road, Navan, Co. Meath

Description: The development will consist of the construction of single storey changing room facilities comprising of office area, 2 no. changing rooms, separate male, female & disabled toilets and 2 no. store rooms. One part of the building is plastered externally while the other part has facing brick finish. Roof is finish in tapered zip-lock aluminium standing seam roofing sheets.

P8/19004 - Johnstown, Navan, Co. Meath

Description: The development will consist of the construction of childrens playground, installation of childrens play equipment, car packing area, footpaths & access entrance.
Location: Birch Avenue/Beech Drive, Bailis, Johnstown Wood, Co. Meath

P8/19003 - Dunboyne, Co. Meath

(a) A landscaped Linear Walkway from Rooske Road alongside the Castle Stream with a new pedestrian entrance from Rooske Road (b) Installation of pedestrian bridge crossing over the Castle Stream to link the new linear walkway with the existing Dunboyne Park (c) New vehicular entrance from Rooske Road to a new car-park with 98 car spaces (d) Three juvenile GAA sports playing fields, an all-weather pitch and all-weather warm-up area, ball-stop nets pathways and palisade fencing surrounding playing areas (e) New two-storey clubhouse and storage building (f)Pitch floodlighting, car-park and walkway lighting (g) Car-park and pitch drainage works, landscaping and all ancillary site works.

P8/19002 - Donore, Co. Meath

Description: the development will consist of the development of 21 houses, including all site development works, with vehicular access through the existing development at Staleen (An Riasc), and a pedestrian access through the existing Saint Mary's Villas development.

P8/19001 - Harlockstown Lane

Description: The proposed works will be carried out in existing road side verges, with some minor relocation/setting back of some private boundaries. Construction works along the route will involve the following elements; - Construction of new kerb lines for the new footpath; - Provision of 2 no. recessed bus stops; - Provision of 2 no. signal controlled pedestrian crossing points; - Ducting for future Public Lighting installation along the scheme; - Some localised re-profiling of existing road cross falls/cambers; - Earthworks - excavations of portions of existing verges, of existing roadway/footpaths, for service ducts and road crossings, footpath etc; All associated civil works with the above i.e. ducting, drainage, concreting, macadam works etc. 

P8/18015 - Trim Rd to M3 Navan South access road

Description: The proposed development is approximately 1.4 km of single carriageway distributor road and associated signalised junctions and roundabout junctions, with the following elements: 1) Cycling and walking facilities, 2) Street Lighting 3) Associated site clearance, fencing, utilities, drainage, attenuation, earthworks, paving, and other ancillary civil engineering works associated with road construction

Location of Development: Balreask Old, Ballybatter or Balreask New, Kennastown, Co Meath

P8/18014 - Navan Co. Meath

Description: Construction works along various routes in Navan which will involve the following elements; - Construction of new kerb lines for new footpath and/or cycle tracks; - Earthworks - excavations of portions of existing verges, of existing roadway/footpaths, for service ducts and road crossings; - Removal of trees, setting back of boundaries, landscaping; - Construction of footpaths and cycle tracks, road markings and drainage works          

P8/18013 - Lagore Estate, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.

Description - Development of 26 housing units in total, including all site development works and access through the existing Lagore Estate, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.  The proposed housing units will comprise : 6 no. 1 bed duplex units : 11 no. 2 bed 2 storey houses : 8 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses : 1 no. 4 bed 2 storey house. This proposed development supersedes the previously approved development PX61 for this site. 

Submissions Close -  24/10/2018

P8/18012 - Blackwater Park, Navan, Co. Meath.

Description - The development will consist of installation of lighting around the existing looped walkway and within the carpark at Blackwater Park, Navan, Co. Meath. The proposed lighting columns consist of 6 No. 7M columns and 44 No. 6M columns. The columns are standard galvanised public lighting columns. Works will also include associated ducting and foundations for lighting columns.

Submissions Close - 24/7/2018

P8/18011 - Main Street, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.

Description - The development will consist of alterations to and an extension at the rear of the existing Dunshaughlin Fire Station, Main Street, Dunshaughlin, to provide enhanced sanitary and welfare facilities for staff. The extension comprises 20 square metres to the rear of the existing building and includes alterations to the staff entrance. Other alterations included as part of the proposed development comprise minor works to the existing elevations (including the elevation to Main Street), signage, and external decoration

Submissions Close - 18/7/2018

P8/18010 - The Belfry Housing Development, Athboy Road, Trim, Co. Meath.

Description - The development will comprise the conversion of the former creche to 3 single storey residential units at The Belfry Housing Development, Athboy Road, Trim, Co. Meath, including all site development works. The proposed housing units will comprise: 2 no. 1 bed units and 1 no. 2 bed unit. Full planning permission for the conversion of this creche to single residential unit has been granted - ref. TA171041

Submissions Close - 10/7/2018

P8/18009 - Deerpark Heights, Carlanstown, Kells, Co. Meath.

Description - The development will consist of a development of 13 housing units in total, including all site development works, as an extension to the existing Deerpark Heights development, Carlanstown, Kells, Co. Meath. The proposed housing units will comprise: 3 no. 1 bed single storey houses, 2 no. 2 bed single storey houses, 6 no. 2 bed two storey houses and 2 no. 3 bed two storey houses

Submissions Close - 26/6/2018

P8/18008 - Staleen (An Riasc), Donore

Description - The development will consist of a development of 21 housing units in total, including all site development works, with vehicular access through the existing development at Staleen (An Riasc),Donore. And a pedestrian access through the existing Saint Mary's Villas development. The proposed housing units will comprise: 6 no. 1 bed single storey houses, 13 no. 2 bed two storey houses and 2 no. 3 bed two storey houses

Submissions Close - 26/6/2018

P8/18007 - Moynalty, Kells, Co. Meath

Description - The development will consist of installation of lighting around the existing perimeter walkway in the Steam Threshing field.  The lighting bollards will be approximately 950mm in height and there will be 16 no. lights located around the walkway.  Works will also include associated ducting and foundations for lighting bollards.

There is also a Recorded Protected Structure (ME00502) Mound structure and a Water Pump, Recorded Protected Structure (MH011-224) located within the boundary of the proposed development site.

Submissions Close - 15/6/2018

P8/18006 - Kilmainhamwood, Kells, Co. Meath

Description - The development consist of 4 housing units within the existing Eden Development, Kilmainhamwood, Kells,Co. Meath; 4 no. 2 bedroom 2 storey houses

Submissions Close - 7/6/2018

P8/18005 - Cortown, Co. Meath

Description - The development consist of 10 housing units within the existing Wheatfield Development, Cortown, Co. Meath ; 2 no. 3 bedroom 2 storey houses & 8 no. 2 bedroom 2 storey houses

Submissions Close - 7/6/2018

P8/18004 - Oldcastle, Co. Meath

Description - The development consist of 16 housing units within the existing Loughcrew View Development, Oldcastle, Co. Meath:  5 no. 3 bedroom 2 storey houses & 11 no. 2 bedroom 2 storey houses

Submissions Close - 7/6/2018

P8/18003 - Milltown Road, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.

Description - The proposed scheme includes for the construction of cycling and pedestrian facilities on Milltown Road from the junction with the R135 in Ashbourne town to Crenigans Banóg Housing Estate. The proposed scheme also consists of traffic calming measures, pedestrian improvements to the Milltown Bridge as well as the installation of a traffic signal shuttle system. The scheme also includes car parking provisions at the Milltown Estate, Community Playing Fields and the Ashbourne Community School set down area which is sited along the 1,320m long scheme. It is also proposed to construct some local flood mitigation works at a private property along the Broadmeadow River. The works will also include for associated ancillary civil and grounds works such as: Kerbing, Ducting, Drainage and Boundary Treatments.

Submissions Close - 11/5/2018

P8/18002 - Northern bank of the Royal Canal between Ferrans Lock & Cloncurry

Description - The development will consist/consists of:

  • improvements to the existing towpath along the Royal Canal by providing a 3m wide cycleway and shared footway with a suitable surface  i.e. quarry dust, surface dressing or bituminous bound surfacing depending on local conditions for pedestrian and cyclist use;
  • provision of access controls (pedestrian/cycle friendly gates) at locations;
    • Rathrone, Ch – 24150;
    • Oldtown, Ch – 26050
    • Ferrans, Ch – 27525
    • Ferrans Lock, Ch – 27900
  • 2 no. 150mm duct along the full length of the greenway facility

Submissions Close - 4/5/2018

P8/18001 - Narroways Road, Bettystown

Description - The development will consist of a development of 15 housing units in total, including all site development works and construction of a new access off the Narroways Road. The proposed housing units will comprise: 2 no. 2 bed apartments, 4 no. 1 bed apartments, 8 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses and 1 no. 2 bed 2 storey house. This proposed development supersedes the previously approved development P807006 for this site

Submissions Close - 6/3/2018

P8/17009 -  Rathrone, Oldtown Ferrans & Ferrans Lock, Co. Meath

Description: The development will consist/consists of: a) improvements to the existing towpath along the Royal Canal by providing a 3m wide cycleway and shared footway with a suitable surface i.e. quarry dust, surface dressing or bituminous bound surfacing depending on local conditions for pedestrian and cyclist use; b) provision of access controls (pedestrian/cycle friendly gates) at locations; i. Rathrone, Ch-24150; ii. Oldtown, Ch-26050; iii Ferrans, Ch-27525; iv. Ferrans Lock, Ch-27900 c) 2no. 150mm duct along the full length of the greenway facility; d) provision of new boundary treatment adjacent to domestic properties

P8/17008 - Headfort Grove / Headfort Park

Description: The development will consist of a development of 40 housing units in total, including all site development works and construction of 2 new entrances (1) via the Headfort Grove/Headfort Park access road and (2) via the Blackthorn Grove development

P8/17007 - Mullaghboy Industrial Estate, Athboy Road, Navan

Description: The construction of a Meath County Council Civil Defence Headquarters and Training Facility

P8/17006 - New Bridge, Athlumney Road (R153), Navan

Description: To carry out development works which include the provision of a new cantilevered Pedestrial and Cycle Bridge immediately to the south of, and contiguous with, the existing “New Bridge” – Protected Structure , NIAH Register No 14010086 in the townlands of Townparks and Athlumney.  The works shall also include replacement of footpaths provision of shared footpath/cycleway, lighting and boundary wall adjustments on the R153 Kentstown Road and provision of pedestrian crossings and pavement adjustments at the junction of the R147, and ancillary works.

P8/17005 - 25 Proudstown Road, Navan

The development will consist of a courtyard development of 4 housing units in total, including all site development works, construction of new boundary walls and reopening of an existing entrance at the location of a former house at 25 Proudstown Road, Navan. The proposed housing units will comprise: 2 no. 2 bed single storey houses and 2 no. 1 bed single storey houses

P8/17004 - Navan Town Centre

Description: The proposed works include the upgrade of Market Square, Kennedy Plaza, Fair Green, various streets, roads and laneways, the set-back of bus stops (both directions) on Kennedy Road, new taxi ranks on Kennedy Road and Abbey Road, enhanced pedestrian and cyclist facilities, a bus terminus/park and ride to the north of Navan on the R147 and other ancillary works. Traffic management measures to be implemented include Railway Street traffic flow becoming two-way, traffic flow on Ludlow Street being reversed, a bus gate at Market Square, the closure to through traffic on Old Cornmarket and through traffic re-routed around the town centre. The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2016. The following reports also accompany this application: Appropriate Assessment Screening Report & Navan Town Centre Project Overview Report.

P8/17003 - Townsparks, Kells

The development will consist of a development of 40 housing units in total, including all site development works and construction of 2 new entrances

1. Via the Headfort Grove/Headfort Park access road and

2. Via the Blackthorn Grove development.

The proposed housing units will comprise; 8 no. 2 bed apartments, 15 no. 2 bed 2 storey houses, 15 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses, 2 no.4 bed 2 storey houses. This proposed development supersedes the previously approved development for 40 housing units P806027 (Meath County Council) and P807001 (Kells Town Council)

P8/17002 - Saint Oliver's Park,  Ratoath

Development Description:the development will consist of a development of 17 housing units in total, including all site development works. The proposed housing units will comprise: - 2 no. 1 bed single storey house - 1 no. 2 bed single storey house - 1 no. 3 bed single storey house - 1 no. 4 bed single storey house - 7 no. 2 bed 2 storey houses - 3 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses - 2 no. 4 bed 3 storey houses

P8/17001 - Proposed works at Kells Swimming Pool

The proposed development is to improve change facilities, including proposed new female changing room, new level access ramp to rear door, proposed new extended male changing room, new extended lobby under existing overhang roof with new glass door entrance. All necessary services, utilities and associated ancillary site works including various internal works.

P8/16007- Ashbourne Linear Park

The proposed works will form phase 1 of the Ashbourne Linear Park located in the centre of the town and will include the following: Installation of play area for older children. Installation of skateboard park. Construction of an amphitheatre and wall. Installation of toddler play area. Construction of new footpaths throughout the area. Re-installation of the pedestrian footbridge linking park to Ashbourne Town Centre. Landscaping throughout the area.

P8/16006 - Cherry Court, Summerhill

Development of 19 housing units in total, the culverting of a boundary drain and the provision of a temporary access roadway to serve Summerhill Close during the construction period. The proposed housing units will comprise: 5 no. 2 bed 2 storey houses, 10 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses and 4 no. 2 bed single storey houses.

P8/16005 - Kilbreck and Gracemeadow housing estates in Stamullin, County Meath

Construction of a new footpath link between Kilbreck and Gracemeadow housing estates in Stamullen which includes construction of a new 2m wide macadam footpath c45m length, including work to existing footpath, public lighting, ducting, drainage, fencing, hedge planting, bollards and associated site works.

P8/16004 - Townlands of Blackcastle Demense, Donaghmore, Dunmoe, Harmonstown, Stackallen & Cruicetown

Realignment of the N51 National Secondary Route in the townlands of Blackcastle Demense, Donaghmore, Dunmoe, Harmonstown, Stackallen & Cruicetown. 

P8/16003 - Maynooth Outer Orbital Route Mariavilla to the R157 Moygaddy Junction - WITHDRAWN

Development comprises of a single carriageway road which forms part of the Maynooth Outer Orbital Route and extends from the eastern end of the northern access road in the Moyglare Estate, Mariavilla in County Kildare to the Moygaddy Junction on the R157 in County Meath - an overall distance of approximately 1.7km. The development ties into the proposed roundabout at the Moygaddy Junction on the R157 which forms part of the previously permitted R157 Realignment and Moygaddy Junction Improvement Scheme 

P8/16002 - Bunboggan, Athboy

Construction of a Housing Development to be known as "Connaught Grove". The development will consist of a phased development of 79 housing units in total, including all site development works and the creation of a new access off Connaught Street, Athboy. The proposed housing units will comprise: 2 no. 4 bed 2 storey houses, 42 no. 3 bed 2 storey houses, 28 no. 2 bed 2 storey houses, 7 no. 2 bed single storey houses

P8/16001 - Ashbourne, Co. Meath

Flood prevention works in various locations in Ashbourne, Co. Meath

P8/15003 - R150 Laytown to Bettystown

Spine Road to include carriageway, footpath, cycle track, proposed car park, bus parking / layby etc.

P8/15002 - Northlands Estate, Bettystown

Development for proposed flood prevention works at Northlands Estate, Bettystown

P8/15001 - Owenroe Bridge on the N52 in Carlanstown , Kells

Rehabilitation Works at Owenroe Bridge on the N52  in Carlanstown , Kells, Co. Meath

P8/14002 - Main Street, Enfield, Co. Meath

The development consists of a new playground accesed from the main street, perimeter fencing, public lighting, all necessary services, utilities and associated ancillary site works.

P8/13010 - Development along the R135 (former N2) within Ashbourne

‘In accordance with the above regulations, Meath County Council proposes to carry out development along the R135 (former N2) within Ashbourne. The proposed development consists of Phase II of the Ashbourne Main Street Refurbishment Scheme. The works will commence and tie into Phase I of the Scheme, to the north of Dunnes Stores and extend northwards to the Rath roundabout on the N2 and to the south of the Castle Street and Bridge Street junction extending southwards to the Nine Mile Stone roundabout on the R125. The proposed development will have an overall length of circa 3.2 kilometers. 

The Proposed Phase II works will consist of: 

a) Provision of new cycle track/lanes on both sides of the R135 from the Rath roundabout on the N2 to the Nile Mile Stone roundabout at the Ratoath Road (R125).
b) Enhanced pedestrian and cyclist facilities will be provided at each junction along the route, including additional traffic signals and pedestrian crossings to allow integration with the wider network.
c) The provision of sections of new footpath.
d) The reduction in width of the existing road carriageway in order to facilitate the new cycle tracks.
e) The provision of improved signage, road markings, surfacing and public lighting necessary to provide the above.
f)  Utility diversions as necessary. 

The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000- 2013’.

P8/13007 and P8/13008 

‘In accordance with the above regulations Meath County Council proposes to construct a shared pedestrian and cycle greenway facility along the disused Navan to Kingscourt rail line. The proposed greenway facility commences at Blackwater Park, Rathaldron Road, Navan and terminates at Kingscourt, Co. Cavan. The existing rail line commences in the administrative area of Meath County Council at Simonstown, Navan and continues as far as the townland of Boynagh, south of Kingscourt. The rail line then meanders across the county boundary into Co. Cavan before re-entering Co. Meath at 2 further locations in the townlands of Boynaghbought and finally at Derumgill, adjacent to the former Kingscourt railway station. 

The proposed development, which is the subject of this Part 8, will include the following: 

(a) Provision of an unbound stone surface with quarry dust for pedestrian and cyclist use of approximately 3 metres in width over the majority of the route with narrower sections of between 2 and 3 metres in places where the existing rail line is in fill or cut; 
(b) Optional dressing of top soil and approved grass seed mix provided along unbound stone surface; 
(c) Provision of access controls (pedestrian/cycle friendly gates), road markings and traffic calming measures at all road crossings of proposed greenway which will replace existing level crossings; 
(d) Construction of timber post and rail fencing in sections where the greenway is on an embankment; 
(e) Provision of suitable surface finish at crossing points for farm access which may comprise of a concrete pad; 
(f) Maintenance of existing drains along with provision of covered land drainage pipes in narrower sections of the greenway; 
(g) Construction of a bridge over the N52 where the existing bridge was damaged by a vehicle collision; 
(h) Widening of existing footpath from junction of Clonmagadden Road to existing level crossing on Rathaldron Road to provide 3.5 – 4 metre wide footpath and off road cycle track.

The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000- 2011. The Appropriate Assessment screening concluded that the proposed development would not be likely to give rise to significant or indeterminate impacts on any Natura 2000 site’

P8/13005 - Gardenrath Road, Gardenrath, Co Meath 

Proposes to construct circa 500 metres of 3-4 metre wide shared footpath/cycle path, within Kells, commencing at the existing VEC school grounds adjacent to the swimming pool at Jim Brunnock Road (L28116) within the townland of Townspark connecting into the proposed footpath/cycle path from the Gardenrath Road (L-2813). 

The proposed development, which is the subject of this Part 8, will include the following: 14 no. 6 m public lighting columns, : 520m of 1.3m high 4 rail timber post fence, The proposed development forms part of an overall development of cira 640 metres of shared footpath/cycle path jointly within the administrative areas of Kells Town Council and Meath County Council. 
A separate Part 8 Application has been prepared for the section of the facility in Kells Town Council administrative area. 
The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Developmement Acts, 2000-2013

P8/13004 - Gardenrath Road, Gardenrath, Co. Meath  

Construct cira 170 metres of 3-4 metre wide shared footpath/cycle path, within Kells, commencing at the Gardenrath Road (L-2813) in the townland of Gardenrath and connecting into the proposed footpath from the existing VEC school grounds adjacent to the swimming pool at Jim Brunnock Road (L28116).

The proposed development, which is the subject of this Part 8, will include the following :5 no 6 m public lighting columns, :50m of 1.3m high 4 rail timber post fence, :66m of 2m high galvanised security Palisade fence. 
The proposed development forms part of an overall development of cira 640 metres of shared footpath/cycle path jointly within the administrative areas of Kells Town Council and Meath County Council. 
A separate Part 8 application has been prepared for the section of the facility in Meath County Council administrative area. 
The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC)and the Planning and Development Acts, 2000-2012

P8/13003 - McLoughlan Bridge in Townland of Ferrans to Townland of Croby 

Proposals to construct circa 21km of a shared pedestrian and cycle greenway facility along the towpath and lands adjacent to the Royal Canal from the Kildare border at McLoughlin Bridge in the Townland of Ferrans to the Westmeath border in the townland of Croby. 

The proposed development, which is the subject of this Part 8, will include the following: 
(a) improvements to the existing towpath along the Royal Canal by providing a suitable surface i.e. quarry dust, surface dressing or bituminous bound surfacing depending on local conditions for pedestrian and cyclist use; 
(b) provision of access controls (pedestrian/cycle friendly gates), road markings traffic calming, kerbing and implementation of one-way traffic yield system and associated signage at: 1) Cloncurry Bridge (L-6227-0) 2) Hill of Down Bridge (R161) 3) Blackshade Bridge (L-8030-0) 4) Ballasport Bridge (L-8020-0) 
(c) 2 no. 150mm duct along the full length of the greenway facility; 
(d) provision of a toucan crossing at the Canal Bridge (R148) in Enfield which is included within the Record of Protected Structures (MH048-200); 
(e) provision of road marking and associated signage at McLoughlin Bridge and Lock (L-6211-46) which is included in the Record of Protected Structures (MH049-100); 
(f) provision of safety rail at the Longwood Aqueduct and Boyne Aqueduct which are included within the Record of Protected Structures. 

The development will be located adjacent to the Royal Canal and at the above bridges. The development has been the subject to an Appropriate Assessment Screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2012 

P8/13002 - Drogheda Ramparts to Oldbridge Estate, Co Meath 

To construct a premium pedestrian and cycle greenway facility adjacent to Oldbridge Road from Drogheda Ramparts at Rathmullan Road to the entrance of Oldbridge Estate in the Townlands of Rathmullan and Oldbridge respectively.

The development will include the following: 
A) Provision of circa 1.6km of segregated pedestrian and cycle facility. 
B) Implementation of one-way traffic system, westbound, on Oldbridge Road (L-16014)between Rathmullan Road and Sheephouse Road (L-16012-13). 
Re-alignment of Oldbridge Road and Sheephouse Road Junction to facilitate one-way traffic system. 
D) Introduction of traffic calming measures on Oldbridge Road between Sheephouse Road Junction and Oldbridge Estate. 
E) Provision for new public parking facility with approximately 60 no. parking spaces. 
F) New road drainage and associated works where required. 
G) Associated road markings and signage. The development will be located on the following roads: (1) Northern side of Oldbridge Road (L-16014) and (2) Both sides of Sheephouse Road (L-16012-13) at the junction with Oldbridge Road. 
The development has been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment Screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning & Developments Acts 2000-2012 

P8/13001 - Johnstown Wood, Johnstown, Navan 

A) Provision of circa 2.3km of segregated cycle track and footpath.
b) The repositioning of public lighting columns. 
c) 3 No. speed tables on the St. Stephens National School access road through Johnstown Wood development. 
d) Removal of existing signalized pedestrian crossings on the roundabout at the Bothar Sion and Metges Road. 
e) Safety improvements at the roundabout at the Bothar Sion and Metges Road, including pedestrian/cyclist zebra crossings on all arms of the roundabout. 
f) New road drainage and associated works where required. 
g) Associated road markings and signage and 
h) Parking restrictions along St. Stephens National School access road through Johnstown Wood. The development will occur on both sides of the following roads: 1) Bothar Sion (L-50555-1). 2) St. Stephens National School access road through Johnstown Wood development. 3) Metges Road (L-5055-5) from junction with Kentstown Road to entrance of Boyne View/Millbrook/Spire View development. The development has been subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43EEC) and the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2012

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