Consultation - Navan to Trim Cycle Pathfinder Scheme

Consultation - Navan to Trim Cycle Pathfinder Scheme

Active Travel Pathfinder - R161 Navan to Trim Cycle Scheme Non-Statutory Public Consultation


Road Traffic Acts, 1961 – 2010
Public Transport Regulation Act, 2009

Active Travel Pathfinder - R161 Navan to Trim Cycle Scheme Non-Statutory Public Consultation


Meath County Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on it under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 and Section 46 of the Public Transport Regulation Act 2009, hereby gives notice that it has prepared a scheme to provide attractive two-way rural cycle track, improved shared active travel facility and traffic calming measures on the R161 Navan to Trim Pathfinder Scheme.

The Scheme provides for;

  • Provision of 9kms of two-way segregated cycle track and 2kms of shared active travel facility from the Balreask Cross Roads to the South of Navan to the R161 / R154 Regional road Junction in Trim;
  • Provision of segregated high-quality cycle and pedestrian facilities;
  • Traffic light / Belisha Beacon controlled raised pedestrian crossing at R161 / L8017 Newtown Road;
  • Provision of ancillary infrastructure works including Kerbing, Pavement, Drainage, Traffic Signs and Road Markings, Site Clearance, Vehicle Restraint Systems, Utility Amendments, Earthworks and Accommodation, Boundary & Landscaping Works.

The plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection during office hours at the offices of the Local Authority listed below:

  • Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co Meath, C15 Y291
  • Meath County Council, Trim Civic Offices, Mornington House, Summerhill Rd, Charterschool Land, Trim, Co. Meath C15 P2HE
  • On Meath County Council’s consultation portal from Tuesday 10th September 2024 to Tuesday 24th September 2024, and will be available for purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of the Local Authority listed below:


How to make a submission

Submissions should be made no later than 5pm on Friday 27th September 2024 via:

  • Online: via the Consultation Feedback Form accessible via the button to "Make a Submission" on the Meath Consult Portal Page (insert portal page address)
  • Email: addressed to              
  • Post: addressed to, Active Travel Team, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291

If you have further queries about the project, please do not hesitate to contact the Active Travel Project Team by e-mail: